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Huntress by chibi-oneechan.deviantart.com |
To model the base capability of the dryad I decided to go for a Wood Elf. I considered the Eladrin, as it is the more fey-like of the races, but I don't really like the way it is built in Unearthed Arcana. I could use the DMG version, but the Wood Elf has racial abilities that benefit this concept, so that is what I am going to use.
For this I am using my typical theoretical 30 pt array of 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10.
1st Level Wood Elf Ranger
Str: 15
Dex: 14
Con: 14
Int: 11
Wis: 14
Cha: 10
HP: 12
Save DC: 12
Speed: 35 ft
Save DC: 12
Speed: 35 ft
Proficiency Bonus: +2
Darkvision 60ft
Keen Senses
Fey Ancestry
Elf Weapon Training
Fleet of Foot
Mask of the Wild
Armor Proficiencies: Light Armor, Medium Armor, Shields
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons
Tools: Flute
Saving Throws: Strength, Dexterity
Languages: Common, Elvish, Sylvan
Languages: Common, Elvish, Sylvan
Proficient Skills
Animal Handling (Ranger) +4
Athletics (Outlander) +4
Nature (Ranger) +2
Perception (Elf) +4
Stealth (Ranger) +4
Survival (Outlander) +4
Animal Handling (Ranger) +4
Athletics (Outlander) +4
Nature (Ranger) +2
Perception (Elf) +4
Stealth (Ranger) +4
Survival (Outlander) +4
Background: Outlander
Favored Enemy: Monstrosities
Natural Explorer
Scale Mail
Reasoning: I weighed the options between Humanoids and Monstrosities for the Favored Enemy. Once you get to Primeval Awareness, being able to track Humanoids is insanely effective, but I decided on Monstrosities in the end. My base concept is a basically good, if brusque person, who's main focus is on dealing with the sort of creatures altered by magic to become monstrosities as those represent a much more clear and present danger to the wilds than humanoids do. I eventually opted for spear and shield because there is no Ranger Fighting Style that benefits the use of two-handed weapons. Just a flavor thing, I imagine that her armor is bamboo based scale mail a la some versions of Japanese do-maru.
2nd to 5th Level
2nd Level - Fighting Style: Dueling, Spellcasting, +8 HP (20)
Spells: Ensnaring Strike, Hunter's Mark
Spells: Ensnaring Strike, Hunter's Mark
3rd Level - Primeval Awareness, Conclave: Primeval Guardian, Guardian Magic, Guardian Soul, Piercing Soul, +8 HP (28)
Spells: Entangle, Cure Wounds
Spells: Entangle, Cure Wounds
4th Level - Ability Score Improvement: Medium Armor Master, +8 HP (36)
5th Level - Proficiency Bonus: +3, Extra Attack, +8 HP (44)
Spells: Enhance Ability, Pass Without Trace
Spells: Enhance Ability, Pass Without Trace
Reasoning: Hunter's Mark is just a basic thing for most rangers to take and especially one that actively goes around hunting enemies. The Ensnaring Strike adds on to the idea of the plant/dryad theme of this character. Cure Wounds is really hard for me to pass up and I usually take it if I have the option. Pass Without Trace is generally very useful especially for a stealthy hunter. Entangle and Enhance Ability came with the Primeval Guardian conclave. Medium Armor Master is mostly so that she can wear her medium armor without disadvantage on Stealth. By this point, I expect she opted for a more efficient version of her earlier armor and gone for a breastplate.
5th Level Statistics
5th Level Wood Elf Primeval Guardian
Str: 15
Dex: 14
Con: 14
Int: 11
Wis: 14
Cha: 10
HP: 44
AC: 18
Save DC: 13
Speed: 35 ft
Save DC: 13
Speed: 35 ft
Proficiency Bonus: +3
Darkvision 60ft
Keen Senses
Fey Ancestry
Elf Weapon Training
Fleet of Foot
Mask of the Wild
Armor Proficiencies: Light Armor, Medium Armor, Shields
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons
Tools: Flute
Saving Throws: Strength, Dexterity
Languages: Common, Elvish, Sylvan
Languages: Common, Elvish, Sylvan
Proficient Skills
Animal Handling (Ranger) +5
Athletics (Outlander) +5
Nature (Ranger) +3
Perception (Elf) +5
Stealth (Ranger) +5
Survival (Outlander) +5
Animal Handling (Ranger) +5
Athletics (Outlander) +5
Nature (Ranger) +3
Perception (Elf) +5
Stealth (Ranger) +5
Survival (Outlander) +5
Background: Outlander
Feat: Medium Armor Master
Favored Enemy: Monstrosities
Natural Explorer
Fighting Style: Dueling
Primeval Awareness
Primeval Guardian
Guardian Magic
Guardian Soul
Piercing Thorns
Extra Attack
Spell Slots: 4 (1st) 2 (2nd)
1st Level Spells: Cure Wounds, Ensnaring Strike, Entangle, Hunter's Mark
2nd Level Spells: Enhance Ability, Pass Without Trace
6th to 10th Level
6th Level - Greater Favored Enemy: Giants, +8 HP (52)
7th Level - Ancient Fortitude, +8 HP (60)
Spells: Cordon of Arrows
8th Level - Ability Score Improvement: +1 Str, +1 Dex, + HP (68)
9th Level - Proficiency Bonus +4, +8 HP (76)
Spells: Conjure Animals, Speak with Plants
Spells: Conjure Animals, Speak with Plants
10th Level - Hide in Plain Sight, +8 HP (84)
Reasoning: I thought about taking Aberrations as a natural continuation from Monstrosities, but Aberrations primarily occur in the Underdark in D&D. In reality, none of the enemies stand out from each other as especially fitting to this character. I eventually settled on Giants due to the way hill giants and a few other giant-kin tend to ravage natural environments. Cordon of Arrows stands out a bit from the other powers as not especially plant related, but it is a good spell for laying a trap behind you. Conjure Animals came with Primeval Guardian and Speak with Plants goes along with the theme. I increased Strength and Dexterity by 1 to get to the next bonus on Strength and set up Dexterity for later. As a note, I'm not increasing her Wisdom much, which is another reason I'm not focusing on spells that target foes too much. At this point, I think she could have acquired some sort of half-plate perhaps of a special material. Not that she needs to void metal like a druid, but it would be nice for theme.
10th Level Statistics
10th Level Wood Elf Primeval Guardian
Str: 16
Dex: 15
Con: 14
Int: 11
Wis: 14
Cha: 10
HP: 84
AC: 19
Save DC: 14
Speed: 35 ft
Save DC: 14
Speed: 35 ft
Proficiency Bonus: +4
Darkvision 60ft
Keen Senses
Fey Ancestry
Elf Weapon Training
Fleet of Foot
Mask of the Wild
Armor Proficiencies: Light Armor, Medium Armor, Shields
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons
Tools: Flute
Saving Throws: Strength, Dexterity
Languages: Common, Elvish, Sylvan
Languages: Common, Elvish, Sylvan
Proficient Skills
Animal Handling (Ranger) +6
Athletics (Outlander) +7
Nature (Ranger) +4
Perception (Elf) +6
Stealth (Ranger) +6
Survival (Outlander) +6
Animal Handling (Ranger) +6
Athletics (Outlander) +7
Nature (Ranger) +4
Perception (Elf) +6
Stealth (Ranger) +6
Survival (Outlander) +6
Background: Outlander
Feat: Medium Armor Master
Favored Enemy: Monstrosities
Natural Explorer
Fighting Style: Dueling
Primeval Awareness
Primeval Guardian
Guardian Magic
Guardian Soul
Piercing Thorns
Extra Attack
Ancient Fortitude
Greater Favored Enemy: Giants
Hide in Plain Sight
Spell Slots: 4 (1st) 3 (2nd) 2 (3rd)
1st Level Spells: Cure Wounds, Ensnaring Strike, Entangle, Hunter's Mark
2nd Level Spells: Cordon of Arrows, Enhance Ability, Pass Without Trace
3rd Level Spells: Conjure Animals, Speak with Plants
11th to 15th Level
11th Level - Rooted Defense, +8 HP (92)
Spells: Plant Growth
Spells: Plant Growth
12th Level - Ability Score Improvement: +2 Str, +8 HP (100)
13th Level - Proficiency Bonus +5, +8 HP (108)
Spells: Giant Insect, Grasping Vine
Spells: Giant Insect, Grasping Vine
14th Level - Vanish, +8 HP (116)
15th Level - Guardian Aura, +8 HP (124)
Spells: Freedom of Movement
Spells: Freedom of Movement
Reasoning: Once again, my choices here were related to plants and being nimble and secretive. Giant Insect is an automatic and extra spell from Primeval Guardian. I decided to improve Strength again here though I considered taking Stealthy at these levels.
15th Level Statistics
15th Level Wood Elf Primeval Guardian
Str: 18
Dex: 15
Con: 14
Int: 11
Wis: 14
Cha: 10
HP: 124
AC: 19
Save DC: 15
Speed: 35 ft
Save DC: 15
Speed: 35 ft
Proficiency Bonus: +5
Darkvision 60ft
Keen Senses
Fey Ancestry
Elf Weapon Training
Fleet of Foot
Mask of the Wild
Armor Proficiencies: Light Armor, Medium Armor, Shields
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons
Tools: Flute
Saving Throws: Strength, Dexterity
Languages: Common, Elvish, Sylvan
Languages: Common, Elvish, Sylvan
Proficient Skills
Animal Handling (Ranger) +7
Athletics (Outlander) +9
Nature (Ranger) +5
Perception (Elf) +7
Stealth (Ranger) +7
Survival (Outlander) +7
Animal Handling (Ranger) +7
Athletics (Outlander) +9
Nature (Ranger) +5
Perception (Elf) +7
Stealth (Ranger) +7
Survival (Outlander) +7
Background: Outlander
Feat: Medium Armor Master
Favored Enemy: Monstrosities
Natural Explorer
Fighting Style: Dueling
Primeval Awareness
Primeval Guardian
Guardian Magic
Guardian Soul
Piercing Thorns
Extra Attack
Ancient Fortitude
Greater Favored Enemy: Giants
Hide in Plain Sight
Rooted Defense
Guardian Aura
Spell Slots: 4 (1st) 3 (2nd) 3 (3rd) 2 (4th)
1st Level Spells: Cure Wounds, Ensnaring Strike, Entangle, Hunter's Mark
2nd Level Spells: Cordon of Arrows, Enhance Ability, Pass Without Trace
3rd Level Spells: Conjure Animals, Plant Growth, Speak with Plants
4th Level Spells: Freedom of Movement, Giant Insect, Grasping Vine
16th to 20th Level
16th Level - Ability Score Improvement Stealthy, +8 HP (132)
17th Level - Proficiency Bonus +6, +8 HP (140)
Spells: Insect Plague, Tree Stride
Spells: Insect Plague, Tree Stride
18th Level - Feral Senses, +8 HP (148)
19th Level - Ability Score Improvement: +2 Str, +8 HP (156)
Spells: Commune with Nature
Spells: Commune with Nature
20th Level - Foe Slayer, +8 HP (164)
Reasoning: Now I decided to take Stealthy which makes her comparable to a rogue with expertise though lack of Reliable Talent means she's still going to on average perform worse than the rogue does in Stealth. This is true of everybody who gains an Expertise effect, really. I considered getting more summons, but in the end decided to opt for more to do with plants and nature. With the concept being a dryad, Tree Stride was a natural choice and Commune with Nature grants a lot of information. I also finally maxed out Strength here.
20th Level Statistics
20th Level Wood Elf Primeval Guardian
Darkvision 60ft
Keen Senses
Fey Ancestry
Elf Weapon Training
Fleet of Foot
Mask of the Wild
Background: Outlander
Feat: Medium Armor Master
Favored Enemy: Monstrosities
Natural Explorer
Fighting Style: Dueling
Primeval Awareness
Primeval Guardian
Guardian Magic
Guardian Soul
Piercing Thorns
Extra Attack
Ancient Fortitude
Greater Favored Enemy: Giants
Hide in Plain Sight
Rooted Defense
Guardian Aura
Spell Slots: 4 (1st) 3 (2nd) 3 (3rd) 3 (4th) 2 (5th)
1st Level Spells: Cure Wounds, Ensnaring Strike, Entangle, Hunter's Mark
2nd Level Spells: Cordon of Arrows, Enhance Ability, Pass Without Trace
Str: 20
Dex: 16
Con: 14
Int: 11
Wis: 14
Cha: 10
HP: 164
AC: 20
Save DC: 16
Speed: 35 ft
Save DC: 16
Speed: 35 ft
Proficiency Bonus: +6
Darkvision 60ft
Keen Senses
Fey Ancestry
Elf Weapon Training
Fleet of Foot
Mask of the Wild
Armor Proficiencies: Light Armor, Medium Armor, Shields
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons
Tools: Flute
Saving Throws: Strength, Dexterity
Languages: Common, Elvish, Sylvan
Languages: Common, Elvish, Sylvan
Proficient Skills
Animal Handling (Ranger) +8
Athletics (Outlander) +11
Nature (Ranger) +6
Perception (Elf) +8
Stealth (Ranger) +15
Survival (Outlander) +8
Animal Handling (Ranger) +8
Athletics (Outlander) +11
Nature (Ranger) +6
Perception (Elf) +8
Stealth (Ranger) +15
Survival (Outlander) +8
Background: Outlander
Feat: Medium Armor Master
Favored Enemy: Monstrosities
Natural Explorer
Fighting Style: Dueling
Primeval Awareness
Primeval Guardian
Guardian Magic
Guardian Soul
Piercing Thorns
Extra Attack
Ancient Fortitude
Greater Favored Enemy: Giants
Hide in Plain Sight
Rooted Defense
Guardian Aura
Spell Slots: 4 (1st) 3 (2nd) 3 (3rd) 3 (4th) 2 (5th)
1st Level Spells: Cure Wounds, Ensnaring Strike, Entangle, Hunter's Mark
2nd Level Spells: Cordon of Arrows, Enhance Ability, Pass Without Trace
3rd Level Spells: Conjure Animals, Plant Growth, Speak with Plants
4th Level Spells: Freedom of Movement, Giant Insect, Grasping Vine
5th Level Spells: Commune with Nature, Insect Plague, Tree Stride
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