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As a note, the entity's motivation is unusual for celestials and is the sort of motivation that often leads celestials to fall into some other form of creature such as elementals, archfey, fiends, or even great old ones. The very intense hatred involved might lean toward fiend, but I'm imagining it is still balanced by an assertion to prioritize protecting bystanders and a determination to grant its host a new life once it leaves. So it's still weighed mostly into the celestial area of existence.
The concept is sort of half-Doom-Slayer and half-magical-girl. It also comes with the potential of the character's personality changing at some point in the middle of the campaign. I'm planning for this to be a multi-class build with Ranger and Warlock. I'm using the normal Ranger instead of revised Ranger for this, which is unusual for me.
For this I am using my typical theoretical 30 pt array of 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10.
1st Level Protector Aasimar Celestial Warlock
Str: 10
Dex: 14
Con: 12
Int: 11
Cha: 17
Cha: 17
HP: 9
AC: 12
Save DC:13
Speed: 30 ft
Save DC:13
Speed: 30 ft
Proficiency Bonus: +2
Darkvision 60 ft
Celestial Resistance
Healing Hands (1)
Light Bearer
Darkvision 60 ft
Celestial Resistance
Healing Hands (1)
Light Bearer
Armor Proficiencies: Light Armor
Weapons: Simple Weapons
Tools: Flute
Saving Throws: Constitution, Charisma
Languages: Common, Celestial, Primordial
Languages: Common, Celestial, Primordial
Proficient Skills
Arcana (Knight of the Order) +2
Intimidation (Warlock) +5
Investigation (Warlock) +2
Persuasion (Knight of the Order) +5
Arcana (Knight of the Order) +2
Intimidation (Warlock) +5
Investigation (Warlock) +2
Persuasion (Knight of the Order) +5
Background: Knight of the Order
Otherworldly Patron: Celestial
Pact Magic
Bonus Cantrip: Light, Sacred Flame
Healing Light
Cantrips: Green-Flame Blade, Light, Minor Illusion, Sacred Flame
Spells: Armor of Agathys, Cure Wounds
Warlock Spell Slots: 1 (1st)
Reasoning: In terms of efficiency, Celestial Warlock is not the ideal pact to take for a damage-dealing melee warlock. That would be a Hexblade, but I want the character to have some capacity for healing. I decided to model them as a Knight of the Order in the idea that the entity is some sort of ghost, angel, spirit of some sort that is narrowly focused on the defeat of this particular enemy and the Knight of the Order felt like it had the best context for that. We got Light from both Aasimar and Celestial Warlock which means we just lose out on a bonus cantrip there. I considered Eldritch Blast, but wanted some utility cantrips in there. As a celestial warlock, it's best to get into fire and radiant damage mostly though Eldritch Blast may prove useful since the character is doing healing as a secondary aspect rather than a primary one. I did also consider starting out as ranger, but decided to start with Warlock instead especially due to the Constitution and Charisma saves being proficient now.
2nd to 5th Level
2nd Level -Warlock 2nd: Invocations: Armor of Shadows, Devil's Sight , +6 HP (15)
Spell: Hex
Spell: Hex
3rd Level - Warlock 3rd: Pact Boon: Pact of the Blade, Radiant Soul(Protector Aasimar), +6 HP (21)
Spell: Mind Spike
Spell: Mind Spike
4th Level - Ranger 1st: Medium Armor, Martial Weapons, Shields, Insight, Favored Enemy: Fey, Natural Explorer: Forest, +7 HP (29)
5th Level - Proficiency Bonus: +3, Ranger 2nd: Fighting Style: Duelist, Spellcasting, +7 HP (36)
Spells: Ensnaring Strike, Zephyr Strike
Spells: Ensnaring Strike, Zephyr Strike
Reasoning: This is an unusual choice for me, as I usually go four levels into a class before starting a new one in order to get an Ability Score Increase. In this case, I want to get the 3rd level abilities of both classes as soon as possible as they represent the basic nature of the possessing entity as a warrior and a hunter. I considered alternating levels, but decided to go 3 and 3 at least first. I chose Mind Spike as a way to track a target and increase damage. I've decided that this version of their is an enemy of a particular Archfey or group of Archfey that makes use of vast hordes of dangerous creatures. I'm going to guess something like a terrifying hag coven and their forces which the entity is dedicated to eradicating. Zephyr Strike leads more toward damage dealing again. As a note here, though, Mind Spike, Zephyr Strike, Hunter's Mark, and Hex are all concentration spells, so there may be some resorting of spells in a bit, including taking a bit more healing than I currently have. Armor of Shadows was chosen because magical girl and transformation sequences.
5th Level Statistics
5th Level Protector Aasimar Celestial Pact of the Blade 3 / Ranger 2
Str: 10
Dex: 14
Con: 12
Int: 11
Cha: 17
Cha: 17
HP: 36
AC: 12 (Mage Armor 15)
Ranger Save DC: 13
Warlock Save DC:14
Speed: 30 ft
Ranger Save DC: 13
Warlock Save DC:14
Speed: 30 ft
Proficiency Bonus: +3
Darkvision 60 ft
Celestial Resistance
Healing Hands (5)
Light Bearer
Radiant Soul (Protector Aasimar)
Darkvision 60 ft
Celestial Resistance
Healing Hands (5)
Light Bearer
Radiant Soul (Protector Aasimar)
Armor Proficiencies: Light Armor, Medium Armor, Shield
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons
Tools: Flute
Saving Throws: Constitution, Charisma
Languages: Common, Celestial, Primordial
Languages: Common, Celestial, Primordial
Proficient Skills
Arcana (Knight of the Order) +3
Insight (Ranger) +5
Intimidation (Warlock) +6
Investigation (Warlock) +3
Persuasion (Knight of the Order) +6
Arcana (Knight of the Order) +3
Insight (Ranger) +5
Intimidation (Warlock) +6
Investigation (Warlock) +3
Persuasion (Knight of the Order) +6
Background: Knight of the Order
Otherworldly Patron: Celestial
Pact Magic
Bonus Cantrip: Light, Sacred Flame
Healing Light
Eldritch Invocations: Armor of Shadows, Devil's Sight
Pact Boon: Pact of the Blade
Favored Enemy: Fey
Natural Explorer: Forests
Fighting Style: Duelist
Cantrips: Green-Flame Blade, Light, Minor Illusion, Sacred Flame
1st Level Spells: Armor of Agathys, Cure Wounds, Hex, Hunter's Mark, Zephyr Strike
2nd Level Spells: Mind Spike
Warlock Slots: 2 (2nd)
Ranger Slots: 2 (1st)
6th to 10th Level
6th Level - Ranger 3rd: Conclave: Monster-Slayer, Primeval Awareness, Bonus Spell, Hunter's Sense, Slayer's Prey, +7 HP (43)
Ranger Spells: Jump, Protection from Evil and Good (Bonus)
Ranger Spells: Jump, Protection from Evil and Good (Bonus)
7th Level - Warlock 4th: Ability Score Improvement: +2 Dex, +6 HP (49)
Warlock Cantrip: Eldritch Blast
Warlock Spells: Lesser Restoration
8th Level - Ranger 4th: Ability Score Improvement: +2 Con, +15 HP (64)
9th Level - Proficiency Bonus +4, Ranger 5th: Extra Attack, Bonus Spell, +8 HP (72)
2nd Level Spells: Healing Spirit, Zone of Truth (Bonus)
2nd Level Spells: Healing Spirit, Zone of Truth (Bonus)
10th Level - Warlock 5th: Invocation: Improved Pact Weapon, +7 HP (79)
Spell: Guiding Bolt
Spell: Guiding Bolt
Reasoning: The character is still leaning into being a warrior with a touch of healing. I considered taking Revivify but decided to still be mostly a damage dealer. I considered replacing Hex because I also had Hunter's Mark, but then realized there was an invocation I want further down the line that would need Hex active to use it. This multi-classing did result in getting Extra Attack far later than usual for a warrior. However, at this point the character benefits from damage bonuses from Duelist, Slayer's Prey, and either Hex or Hunter's Mark. This build is a touch MAD, so both the Ability Score increases went into Ability Scores and neither went into Charisma. Jump was added due to the magical girl aesthetic which often includes a lot of high mobility.
10th Level Statistics
10th Level Protector Aasimar Celestial Pact of the Blade 5 / Monster Slayer 5
Str: 10
Dex: 16
Con: 14
Int: 11
Cha: 17
Cha: 17
HP: 79
AC: 13 (Mage Armor 16) / with Shield: 15 (Mage Armor 18)
Ranger Save DC: 14
Warlock Save DC:15
Speed: 30 ft
Ranger Save DC: 14
Warlock Save DC:15
Speed: 30 ft
Proficiency Bonus: +4
Darkvision 60 ft
Celestial Resistance
Healing Hands (10)
Light Bearer
Radiant Soul (Protector Aasimar)
Darkvision 60 ft
Celestial Resistance
Healing Hands (10)
Light Bearer
Radiant Soul (Protector Aasimar)
Armor Proficiencies: Light Armor, Medium Armor, Shield
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons
Tools: Flute
Saving Throws: Constitution, Charisma
Languages: Common, Celestial, Primordial
Languages: Common, Celestial, Primordial
Proficient Skills
Arcana (Knight of the Order) +4
Insight (Ranger) +6
Intimidation (Warlock) +7
Investigation (Warlock) +4
Persuasion (Knight of the Order) +7
Arcana (Knight of the Order) +4
Insight (Ranger) +6
Intimidation (Warlock) +7
Investigation (Warlock) +4
Persuasion (Knight of the Order) +7
Background: Knight of the Order
Otherworldly Patron: Celestial
Pact Magic
Bonus Cantrip: Light, Sacred Flame
Healing Light
Eldritch Invocations: Armor of Shadows, Devil's Sight, Improved Pact Weapon
Pact Boon: Pact of the Blade
Favored Enemy: Fey
Natural Explorer: Forests
Fighting Style: Duelist
Primeval Awareness
Ranger Conclave: Monster Slayer
Monster Slayer Magic
Hunter's Sense
Slayer's Prey
Extra Attack
Cantrips: Eldritch Blast, Green-Flame Blade, Light, Minor Illusion, Sacred Flame
1st Level Spells: Armor of Agathys, Cure Wounds, Guiding Bolt, Hex, Hunter's Mark, Jump, Protection from Evil and Good, Zephyr Strike
2nd Level Spells: Healing Spirit, Lesser Restoration, Mind Spike, Zone of Truth
Warlock Slots: 2 (3rd)
Ranger Slots: 3 (1st)
11th to 15th Level
11th Level - Ranger 6th: Favored Enemy: Fiends, Natural Explorer: Urban, +8 HP (87)
12th Level - Warlock 6th: Radiant Soul(Celestial Warlock), +7 HP (94)
Warlock Spell: Thunder Step
Warlock Spell: Thunder Step
13th Level - Proficiency Bonus +5, Ranger 7th: Supernatural Defense, +8 HP (102)
Ranger Spell: Longstrider
Ranger Spell: Longstrider
14th Level - Ranger 8th: Ability Score Improvement: +2 Cha, Land's Stride, +8 HP (110)
15th Level - Warlock 7th: Relentless Hex, +7 HP (117)
Spell: Wall of Fire
Spell: Wall of Fire
Reasoning: Still primarily aiming at a warrior build here, though now we've added some mobility. Longstrider is another spell that doesn't require concentration to maintain similar to Jump and is along with the aesthetic of magical girls and the doom-slayer now that I think of it. Thunder Step provides a damaging teleport and Relentless Hex allows their to stay on top of their enemy quite easily. From this point out, we're doing all Warlock levels. I considered going with mountains for a second favored terrain, but settled on Urban on the idea that her enemy invades a lot of cities and such and that urban environments present their own issues. As a note, it is interesting having a class feature and a racial trait share a name. Radiant Soul on Warlock provides radiant damage resistance (which aasimar already get) and adding Charisma bonus damage to fire and radiant damage spells. Radiant Soul on Aasimar allows her to grow wings of light and deal extra damage for a time.
15th Level Statistics
15th Level Protector Aasimar Celestial Pact of the Blade 7 / Monster Slayer 8
Str: 10
Dex: 16
Con: 14
Int: 11
Cha: 19
Cha: 19
HP: 117
AC: 13 (Mage Armor 16) / with Shield: 15 (Mage Armor 18)
Ranger Save DC: 15
Warlock Save DC:17
Speed: 30 ft
Ranger Save DC: 15
Warlock Save DC:17
Speed: 30 ft
Proficiency Bonus: +5
Darkvision 60 ft
Celestial Resistance
Healing Hands (15)
Light Bearer
Radiant Soul (Protector Aasimar)
Darkvision 60 ft
Celestial Resistance
Healing Hands (15)
Light Bearer
Radiant Soul (Protector Aasimar)
Armor Proficiencies: Light Armor, Medium Armor, Shield
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons
Tools: Flute
Saving Throws: Constitution, Charisma
Languages: Common, Celestial, Primordial
Languages: Common, Celestial, Primordial
Proficient Skills
Arcana (Knight of the Order) +5
Insight (Ranger) +7
Intimidation (Warlock) +9
Investigation (Warlock) +5
Persuasion (Knight of the Order) +9
Arcana (Knight of the Order) +5
Insight (Ranger) +7
Intimidation (Warlock) +9
Investigation (Warlock) +5
Persuasion (Knight of the Order) +9
Background: Knight of the Order
Otherworldly Patron: Celestial
Pact Magic
Bonus Cantrip: Light, Sacred Flame
Healing Light
Eldritch Invocations: Armor of Shadows, Devil's Sight, Improved Pact Weapon, Relentless Hex
Pact Boon: Pact of the Blade
Favored Enemy: Fey, Fiends
Natural Explorer: Forests, Urban
Fighting Style: Duelist
Primeval Awareness
Ranger Conclave: Monster Slayer
Monster Slayer Magic
Hunter's Sense
Slayer's Prey
Extra Attack
Radiant Soul (Celestial Warlock)
Supernatural Defense
Land's Stride
Cantrips: Eldritch Blast, Green-Flame Blade, Light, Minor Illusion, Sacred Flame
1st Level Spells: Armor of Agathys, Cure Wounds, Guiding Bolt, Hex, Hunter's Mark, Jump, Longstrider, Protection from Evil and Good, Zephyr Strike
2nd Level Spells: Healing Spirit, Lesser Restoration, Mind Spike, Zone of Truth
3rd Level Spells: Thunder Step
4th Level Spells: Wall of Fire
Warlock Slots: 2 (4th)
Ranger Slots: 4 (1st) 3 (2nd)
16th to 20th Level
16th Level - Warlock 8th: Ability Score Improvement +2 Dex, +7 HP (124)
Warlock Spell: Revivify
Warlock Spell: Revivify
17th Level - Proficiency Bonus +6, Warlock 9th: Agonizing Blast, +7 HP (131)
Spell: Far Step
Spell: Far Step
18th Level - Warlock 10th: Celestial Resilience, +7 HP (138)
Cantrip: Toll the Dead
Cantrip: Toll the Dead
19th Level - Warlock 11th: Mystic Arcanum: Investiture of Flame, +7 HP (145)
Spell: Flame Strike
Replace Mind Spike with Greater Restoration
Spell: Flame Strike
Replace Mind Spike with Greater Restoration
20th Level - Warlock 12th: Ability Score Improvement: +2 Dex, Invocation: Lifedrinker, +7 HP (152)
Reasoning: There are probably a lot of people who would take Agonizing Blast and Eldrtich Blast immediately, and I even considered doing so. However, given recent encounters with darkness in actual games, I consider the ability to see through such things much more useful overall. In addition, this character has a lot of potential for gaining bonus damage already. I did replace Mind Spike here in order to get some more healing based on the idea she was able to remove transformative curses. I removed Mind Spike because there are a lot of Concentration spells already and Mind Spike is one I'm unlikely to use as often as the others. I would have replaced Zone of Truth but it is both a Ranger spell and one granted automatically by the chosen Conclave. Far Step increases the mobility of the character dramatically and Revivify enhances the healing aspect of the character similar to how Greater Restoration does. At 20th level, we finally get Lifedrinker added on to the character.
20th Level Statistics
20th Level Protector Aasimar Celestial Pact of the Blade 12 / Monster Slayer 8
Background: Knight of the Order
Otherworldly Patron: Celestial
Pact Magic
Bonus Cantrip: Light, Sacred Flame
Healing Light
Eldritch Invocations: Agonizing Blast, Armor of Shadows, Devil's Sight, Improved Pact Weapon, Lifedrinker, Relentless Hex
Pact Boon: Pact of the Blade
Favored Enemy: Fey, Fiends
Natural Explorer: Forests, Urban
Fighting Style: Duelist
Primeval Awareness
Ranger Conclave: Monster Slayer
Monster Slayer Magic
Hunter's Sense
Slayer's Prey
Extra Attack
Radiant Soul (Celestial Warlock)
Supernatural Defense
Land's Stride
Celestial Resilience
Mystic Arcanum: Investiture of Flame
Cantrips: Eldritch Blast, Green-Flame Blade, Light, Minor Illusion, Sacred Flame, Toll the Dead
1st Level Spells: Armor of Agathys, Cure Wounds, Guiding Bolt, Hex, Hunter's Mark, Jump, Longstrider, Protection from Evil and Good, Zephyr Strike
2nd Level Spells: Healing Spirit, Lesser Restoration, Zone of Truth
3rd Level Spells: Revivify, Thunder Step
4th Level Spells: Wall of Fire
5th Level Spells: Far Step, Flame Strike, Greater Restoration
Warlock Slots: 3 (5th)
Ranger Slots: 4 (1st) 3 (2nd)
Str: 10
Dex: 20
Con: 14
Int: 11
Cha: 19
Cha: 19
HP: 152
AC: 15 (Mage Armor 18) / with Shield: 17 (Mage Armor 20)
Ranger Save DC: 16
Warlock Save DC:18
Speed: 30 ft
Ranger Save DC: 16
Warlock Save DC:18
Speed: 30 ft
Proficiency Bonus: +6
Darkvision 60 ft
Celestial Resistance
Healing Hands (20)
Light Bearer
Radiant Soul (Protector Aasimar)
Darkvision 60 ft
Celestial Resistance
Healing Hands (20)
Light Bearer
Radiant Soul (Protector Aasimar)
Armor Proficiencies: Light Armor, Medium Armor, Shield
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons
Tools: Flute
Saving Throws: Constitution, Charisma
Languages: Common, Celestial, Primordial
Languages: Common, Celestial, Primordial
Proficient Skills
Arcana (Knight of the Order) +6
Insight (Ranger) +8
Intimidation (Warlock) +10
Investigation (Warlock) +6
Persuasion (Knight of the Order) +10
Arcana (Knight of the Order) +6
Insight (Ranger) +8
Intimidation (Warlock) +10
Investigation (Warlock) +6
Persuasion (Knight of the Order) +10
Background: Knight of the Order
Otherworldly Patron: Celestial
Pact Magic
Bonus Cantrip: Light, Sacred Flame
Healing Light
Eldritch Invocations: Agonizing Blast, Armor of Shadows, Devil's Sight, Improved Pact Weapon, Lifedrinker, Relentless Hex
Pact Boon: Pact of the Blade
Favored Enemy: Fey, Fiends
Natural Explorer: Forests, Urban
Fighting Style: Duelist
Primeval Awareness
Ranger Conclave: Monster Slayer
Monster Slayer Magic
Hunter's Sense
Slayer's Prey
Extra Attack
Radiant Soul (Celestial Warlock)
Supernatural Defense
Land's Stride
Celestial Resilience
Mystic Arcanum: Investiture of Flame
Cantrips: Eldritch Blast, Green-Flame Blade, Light, Minor Illusion, Sacred Flame, Toll the Dead
1st Level Spells: Armor of Agathys, Cure Wounds, Guiding Bolt, Hex, Hunter's Mark, Jump, Longstrider, Protection from Evil and Good, Zephyr Strike
2nd Level Spells: Healing Spirit, Lesser Restoration, Zone of Truth
3rd Level Spells: Revivify, Thunder Step
4th Level Spells: Wall of Fire
5th Level Spells: Far Step, Flame Strike, Greater Restoration
Warlock Slots: 3 (5th)
Ranger Slots: 4 (1st) 3 (2nd)
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