For this I am a general 30 pt buy as allowed by the inspiring campaign, but I'm basically just copying the stats I gave the actual character.
1st Level Hobgoblin Bard
Str: 14
Dex: 12
Con: 15
Int: 14
Wis: 8
Cha: 15
HP: 10
AC: 13
Save DC: 12
Save DC: 12
Speed: 30 ft
Proficiency Bonus: +2
Martial Training: Greatsword, Rifle
Saving Face
Armor Proficiencies: Light Armor
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Hand Crossbows, Longsword, Rapier, Shortsword, Greatsword, Rifle
Tools: Drum, Horn, Organ
Saving Throws: Dexterity, Charisma
Languages: Common, Goblionid
Languages: Common, Goblionid
Proficient Skills
Athletics (Pirate) +4
Deception (Bard) +4
Intimidation (Bard) +4
Perception (Pirate) +1
Performance (Bard) +4
Athletics (Pirate) +4
Deception (Bard) +4
Intimidation (Bard) +4
Perception (Pirate) +1
Performance (Bard) +4
Background: Pirate
Bardic Inspiration (d6)
Cantrips: Friends, Vicious Mockery
Spell Slots: 2 (1st)
1st Level Spells: Bane, Longstrider, Silent Image, Thunderwave
Leather Armor
Bardic Inspiration (d6)
Cantrips: Friends, Vicious Mockery
Spell Slots: 2 (1st)
1st Level Spells: Bane, Longstrider, Silent Image, Thunderwave
Leather Armor
Reasoning: This character is probably going to trend more towards the tricky style of magic with illusions and the like than the brutal side. Catching of the original character, I added in Longstrider to fill in for Jump in the terms of mobility assist. Thunderwave provides a boost of extra offense at need, though to start if she's using greatsword she won't be able to use it and her sword.
2nd to 5th Level
2nd Level - Jack of all Trades, Song of Rest (d6) +7 HP (17)
Spell: Healing Word
Spell: Healing Word
3rd Level - Bard College: Valor, Expertise: Deception, Intimidation, Combat Inspiration, Bonus Proficiencies, +7 HP (24)
Spell: Hold Person
Spell: Hold Person
4th Level - Ability Score Improvement: War Caster, +7 HP (31)
Cantrip: Minor Illusion
Spell: Invisibility
5th Level - Proficiency Bonus: +3, Bardic Inspiration (d8), Font of Inspiration, +7 HP (38)
Spell: Counterspell
Spell: Counterspell
Reasoning: I went for War Caster this early instead of increasing stats because the use of the Great Sword will be a lot harder to get around in this case than with a sorcerer which has the Subtle Spell metamagic. This means that early on she'd be struggling with low save DCs and low attack bonuses for her spells, but I think in the long run it's important to get this out early. Regarding spells, again, Counterspell just falls into the category of "too good to pass up". Healing Word was chosen because it's always good to have some healing on hand. I almost went with Cure Wounds as she is more front line, but decided to make it easier to heal at a distance. Also note that from this point she starts wearing breastplate.
5th Level Statistics
5th Level Hobgoblin Valor Bard
Str: 14
Dex: 12
Con: 15
Int: 14
Wis: 8
Cha: 15
HP: 38
AC: 15
Save DC: 13
Save DC: 13
Speed: 30 ft
Proficiency Bonus: +3
Martial Training: Greatsword, Rifle
Saving Face
Armor Proficiencies: Light Armor, Medium Armor, Shields
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons
Tools: Drum, Horn, Organ
Saving Throws: Dexterity, Charisma
Languages: Common, Goblionid
Languages: Common, Goblionid
Proficient Skills
Acrobatics (Jack of all Trades) +2
Animal Handling (Jack of all Trades) +0
Arcana (Jack of all Trades) +3
Athletics (Pirate) +5
Deception (Bard, Expertise) +8
History (Jack of all Trades) +3
Insight (Jack of all Trades) +0
Intimidation (Bard, Expertise) +8
Investigation (Jack of all Trades) +3
Medicine (Jack of all Trades) +0
Nature (Jack of all Trades) +3
Perception (Pirate) +2
Performance (Bard) +5
Persuasion (Jack of all Trades) +3
Religion (Jack of all Trades) +3
Survival (Jack of all Trades) +0
Acrobatics (Jack of all Trades) +2
Animal Handling (Jack of all Trades) +0
Arcana (Jack of all Trades) +3
Athletics (Pirate) +5
Deception (Bard, Expertise) +8
History (Jack of all Trades) +3
Insight (Jack of all Trades) +0
Intimidation (Bard, Expertise) +8
Investigation (Jack of all Trades) +3
Medicine (Jack of all Trades) +0
Nature (Jack of all Trades) +3
Perception (Pirate) +2
Performance (Bard) +5
Persuasion (Jack of all Trades) +3
Religion (Jack of all Trades) +3
Survival (Jack of all Trades) +0
Background: Pirate
Feat: War Caster
Bardic Inspiration (d8)
Jack of all Trades
Song of Rest (d6)
College of Valor
Bonus Proficiencies
Combat Inspiration
Expertise: Deception, Intimidation
Font of Inspiration
Cantrips: Friends, Minor Illusion, Vicious Mockery
Spell Slots: 4 (1st) 3 (2nd) 2 (3rd)
1st Level Spells: Bane, Healing Word, Longstrider, Silent Image, Thunderwave
2nd Level Spells: Hold Person, Invisibility
3rd Level Spells: Counterspell
Feat: War Caster
Bardic Inspiration (d8)
Jack of all Trades
Song of Rest (d6)
College of Valor
Bonus Proficiencies
Combat Inspiration
Expertise: Deception, Intimidation
Font of Inspiration
Cantrips: Friends, Minor Illusion, Vicious Mockery
Spell Slots: 4 (1st) 3 (2nd) 2 (3rd)
1st Level Spells: Bane, Healing Word, Longstrider, Silent Image, Thunderwave
2nd Level Spells: Hold Person, Invisibility
3rd Level Spells: Counterspell
6th to 10th Level
6th Level - Countercharm, Extra Attack, +7 HP (45)
Spell: Major Image
Spell: Major Image
7th Level - +7 HP (52)
Spell: Freedom of Movement
8th Level - Ability Score Improvement: +1 Con and +1 Cha, +15 HP (67)
Spell: Dimension Door
Spell: Dimension Door
9th Level - Proficiency Bonus +4, Song of Rest (d8), +8 HP (75)
Spell: Animate Objects
Spell: Animate Objects
10th Level - Bardic Inspiration (d10), Expertise: Athletics, Perception, Magical Secrets, +8 HP (83)
Cantrip: Booming Blade
Magical Secrets Spell: Shield
Spell: Seeming
Cantrip: Booming Blade
Magical Secrets Spell: Shield
Spell: Seeming
Reasoning: It might seem odd to not choose Performance for Expertise here, but given that performance is really a secondary aspect of this character, something she does between raids to keep morale up in the crew, it makes more sense that she'd opt for a place where she is a bit weaker than usual. As to spells, I decided on Shield because of the fact this character is a melee caster and my past experiences as a draconic sorcerer has shown me that Shield is amazing for such characters. Another odd choice for my magical secrets was in choosing a cantrip and taking booming blade. Granted that with Extra Attack I could be making two greatsword attacks but with Booming Blade I get some extra control and can be adding up to 3d8 to one attack even if they don't move, more than making up for the lost strike.
10th Level Statistics
10th Level Hobgoblin Valor Bard
Str: 14
Dex: 12
Con: 16
Int: 14
Wis: 8
Cha: 16
HP: 83
AC: 15
Save DC: 15
Save DC: 15
Speed: 30 ft
Proficiency Bonus: +4
Martial Training: Greatsword, Rifle
Saving Face
Armor Proficiencies: Light Armor, Medium Armor, Shields
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons
Tools: Drum, Horn, Organ
Saving Throws: Dexterity, Charisma
Languages: Common, Goblionid
Languages: Common, Goblionid
Proficient Skills
Acrobatics (Jack of all Trades) +3
Animal Handling (Jack of all Trades) +1
Arcana (Jack of all Trades) +4
Athletics (Pirate, Expertise) +10
Deception (Bard, Expertise) +11
History (Jack of all Trades) +4
Insight (Jack of all Trades) +1
Intimidation (Bard, Expertise) +11
Investigation (Jack of all Trades) +4
Medicine (Jack of all Trades) +1
Nature (Jack of all Trades) +4
Perception (Pirate, Expertise) +7
Performance (Bard) +7
Persuasion (Jack of all Trades) +5
Religion (Jack of all Trades) +4
Survival (Jack of all Trades) +1
Acrobatics (Jack of all Trades) +3
Animal Handling (Jack of all Trades) +1
Arcana (Jack of all Trades) +4
Athletics (Pirate, Expertise) +10
Deception (Bard, Expertise) +11
History (Jack of all Trades) +4
Insight (Jack of all Trades) +1
Intimidation (Bard, Expertise) +11
Investigation (Jack of all Trades) +4
Medicine (Jack of all Trades) +1
Nature (Jack of all Trades) +4
Perception (Pirate, Expertise) +7
Performance (Bard) +7
Persuasion (Jack of all Trades) +5
Religion (Jack of all Trades) +4
Survival (Jack of all Trades) +1
Background: Pirate
Feat: War Caster
Bardic Inspiration (d10)
Jack of all Trades
Song of Rest (d8)
College of Valor
Bonus Proficiencies
Combat Inspiration
Expertise: Deception, Intimidation
Font of Inspiration
Counter Charm
Extra Attack
Magical Secrets
Cantrips: Booming Blade, Friends, Minor Illusion, Vicious Mockery
Spell Slots: 4 (1st) 3 (2nd) 3 (3rd) 3 (4th) 2 (5th)
1st Level Spells: Bane, Healing Word, Longstrider, Shield, Silent Image, Thunderwave
2nd Level Spells: Hold Person, Invisibility
3rd Level Spells: Counterspell, Major Image
4th Level: Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door
5th Level: Seeming
Feat: War Caster
Bardic Inspiration (d10)
Jack of all Trades
Song of Rest (d8)
College of Valor
Bonus Proficiencies
Combat Inspiration
Expertise: Deception, Intimidation
Font of Inspiration
Counter Charm
Extra Attack
Magical Secrets
Cantrips: Booming Blade, Friends, Minor Illusion, Vicious Mockery
Spell Slots: 4 (1st) 3 (2nd) 3 (3rd) 3 (4th) 2 (5th)
1st Level Spells: Bane, Healing Word, Longstrider, Shield, Silent Image, Thunderwave
2nd Level Spells: Hold Person, Invisibility
3rd Level Spells: Counterspell, Major Image
4th Level: Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door
5th Level: Seeming
11th to 15th Level
11th Level - +8 HP (91)
Spell: Programmed Illusion
Spell: Programmed Illusion
12th Level - Ability Score Improvement: +2 Cha, +8 HP (99)
13th Level - Proficiency Bonus +5, Song of Rest (d10), +8 HP (107)
Spell: Mirage Arcane
Spell: Mirage Arcane
14th Level - Magical Secrets, Battle Magic, +8 HP (115)
Magical Secrets: Simulacrum, Spirit Guardians
Magical Secrets: Simulacrum, Spirit Guardians
15th Level - Bardic Inspiration (d12), +8 HP (123)
Spell: Mind Blank
Spell: Mind Blank
Reasoning: Spiritual Guardians may seem a bit low level to be taking with Magical Secrets, but I've found that the highest level spells are increasingly situational in use while the lower level spells have more broad applicability. In this case, she can create a small host of spirits to fight beside her. Aside from that she did choose the ability to create a semi-independent copy of herself.
15th Level Statistics
15th Level Hobgoblin Valor Bard
Str: 14
Dex: 12
Con: 16
Int: 14
Wis: 8
Cha: 18
HP: 123
AC: 15
Save DC: 17
Save DC: 17
Speed: 30 ft
Proficiency Bonus: +5
Martial Training: Greatsword, Rifle
Saving Face
Armor Proficiencies: Light Armor, Medium Armor, Shields
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons
Tools: Drum, Horn, Organ
Saving Throws: Dexterity, Charisma
Languages: Common, Goblionid
Languages: Common, Goblionid
Proficient Skills
Acrobatics (Jack of all Trades) +3
Animal Handling (Jack of all Trades) +1
Arcana (Jack of all Trades) +4
Athletics (Pirate, Expertise) +12
Deception (Bard, Expertise) +14
History (Jack of all Trades) +4
Insight (Jack of all Trades) +1
Intimidation (Bard, Expertise) +14
Investigation (Jack of all Trades) +4
Medicine (Jack of all Trades) +1
Nature (Jack of all Trades) +4
Perception (Pirate, Expertise) +9
Performance (Bard) +9
Persuasion (Jack of all Trades) +6
Religion (Jack of all Trades) +4
Survival (Jack of all Trades) +1
Acrobatics (Jack of all Trades) +3
Animal Handling (Jack of all Trades) +1
Arcana (Jack of all Trades) +4
Athletics (Pirate, Expertise) +12
Deception (Bard, Expertise) +14
History (Jack of all Trades) +4
Insight (Jack of all Trades) +1
Intimidation (Bard, Expertise) +14
Investigation (Jack of all Trades) +4
Medicine (Jack of all Trades) +1
Nature (Jack of all Trades) +4
Perception (Pirate, Expertise) +9
Performance (Bard) +9
Persuasion (Jack of all Trades) +6
Religion (Jack of all Trades) +4
Survival (Jack of all Trades) +1
Background: Pirate
Feat: War Caster
Bardic Inspiration (d12)
Jack of all Trades
Song of Rest (d10)
College of Valor
Bonus Proficiencies
Combat Inspiration
Expertise: Deception, Intimidation
Font of Inspiration
Counter Charm
Extra Attack
Magical Secrets
Battle Magic
Cantrips: Booming Blade, Friends, Minor Illusion, Vicious Mockery
Spell Slots: 4 (1st) 3 (2nd) 3 (3rd) 3 (4th) 2 (5th) 1 (6th) 1 (7th) 1 (8th)
1st Level Spells: Bane, Healing Word, Longstrider, Shield, Silent Image, Thunderwave
2nd Level Spells: Hold Person, Invisibility
3rd Level Spells: Counterspell, Major Image, Spirit Guardians
4th Level: Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door
5th Level: Seeming
6th Level: Programmed Illusion
7th Level: Mirage Arcane, Simulacrum
8th Level: Mind Blank
Feat: War Caster
Bardic Inspiration (d12)
Jack of all Trades
Song of Rest (d10)
College of Valor
Bonus Proficiencies
Combat Inspiration
Expertise: Deception, Intimidation
Font of Inspiration
Counter Charm
Extra Attack
Magical Secrets
Battle Magic
Cantrips: Booming Blade, Friends, Minor Illusion, Vicious Mockery
Spell Slots: 4 (1st) 3 (2nd) 3 (3rd) 3 (4th) 2 (5th) 1 (6th) 1 (7th) 1 (8th)
1st Level Spells: Bane, Healing Word, Longstrider, Shield, Silent Image, Thunderwave
2nd Level Spells: Hold Person, Invisibility
3rd Level Spells: Counterspell, Major Image, Spirit Guardians
4th Level: Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door
5th Level: Seeming
6th Level: Programmed Illusion
7th Level: Mirage Arcane, Simulacrum
8th Level: Mind Blank
16th to 20th Level
16th Level - Ability Score Improvement +2 Str, +8 HP (131)
17th Level - Proficiency Bonus +6, Song of Rest (d12) +8 HP (139)
Spell: Foresight
Spell: Foresight
18th Level - Magical Secrets, +8 HP (147)
Magical Secrets: Weird, Wish
Magical Secrets: Weird, Wish
19th Level - Ability Score Improvement: +2 Cha, +8 HP (155)
20th Level - Superior Inspiration, +8 HP (163)
Reasoning: Wish is a really hard spell to pass up. In addition, the fact that bards can have three separate ninth level spells is amazing. In this case I went for a bit more in the way of the illusions and such for the most part, with Foresight being a bit more protection in a fight. Wish sort of represents the idea of illusions so convincing that they become real.
20th Level Statistics
15th Level Hobgoblin Valor Bard
Str: 16
Dex: 12
Con: 16
Int: 14
Wis: 8
Cha: 20
HP: 163
AC: 15
Save DC: 19
Save DC: 19
Speed: 30 ft
Proficiency Bonus: +6
Martial Training: Greatsword, Rifle
Saving Face
Armor Proficiencies: Light Armor, Medium Armor, Shields
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons
Tools: Drum, Horn, Organ
Saving Throws: Dexterity, Charisma
Languages: Common, Goblionid
Languages: Common, Goblionid
Proficient Skills
Acrobatics (Jack of all Trades) +4
Animal Handling (Jack of all Trades) +2
Arcana (Jack of all Trades) +5
Athletics (Pirate, Expertise) +15
Deception (Bard, Expertise) +17
History (Jack of all Trades) +5
Insight (Jack of all Trades) +2
Intimidation (Bard, Expertise) +17
Investigation (Jack of all Trades) +5
Medicine (Jack of all Trades) +2
Nature (Jack of all Trades) +5
Perception (Pirate, Expertise) +11
Performance (Bard) +11
Persuasion (Jack of all Trades) +8
Religion (Jack of all Trades) +5
Survival (Jack of all Trades) +2
Acrobatics (Jack of all Trades) +4
Animal Handling (Jack of all Trades) +2
Arcana (Jack of all Trades) +5
Athletics (Pirate, Expertise) +15
Deception (Bard, Expertise) +17
History (Jack of all Trades) +5
Insight (Jack of all Trades) +2
Intimidation (Bard, Expertise) +17
Investigation (Jack of all Trades) +5
Medicine (Jack of all Trades) +2
Nature (Jack of all Trades) +5
Perception (Pirate, Expertise) +11
Performance (Bard) +11
Persuasion (Jack of all Trades) +8
Religion (Jack of all Trades) +5
Survival (Jack of all Trades) +2
Background: Pirate
Feat: War Caster
Bardic Inspiration (d12)
Jack of all Trades
Song of Rest (d12)
College of Valor
Bonus Proficiencies
Combat Inspiration
Expertise: Deception, Intimidation
Font of Inspiration
Counter Charm
Extra Attack
Magical Secrets
Battle Magic
Superior Inspiration
Cantrips: Booming Blade, Friends, Minor Illusion, Vicious Mockery
Spell Slots: 4 (1st) 3 (2nd) 3 (3rd) 3 (4th) 2 (5th) 2 (6th) 1 (7th) 1 (8th) 1 (9th)
1st Level Spells: Bane, Healing Word, Longstrider, Shield, Silent Image, Thunderwave
2nd Level Spells: Hold Person, Invisibility
3rd Level Spells: Counterspell, Major Image, Spirit Guardians
4th Level: Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door
5th Level: Seeming
6th Level: Programmed Illusion
7th Level: Mirage Arcane, Simulacrum
8th Level: Mind Blank
9th Level: Foresight, Weird, Wish
Feat: War Caster
Bardic Inspiration (d12)
Jack of all Trades
Song of Rest (d12)
College of Valor
Bonus Proficiencies
Combat Inspiration
Expertise: Deception, Intimidation
Font of Inspiration
Counter Charm
Extra Attack
Magical Secrets
Battle Magic
Superior Inspiration
Cantrips: Booming Blade, Friends, Minor Illusion, Vicious Mockery
Spell Slots: 4 (1st) 3 (2nd) 3 (3rd) 3 (4th) 2 (5th) 2 (6th) 1 (7th) 1 (8th) 1 (9th)
1st Level Spells: Bane, Healing Word, Longstrider, Shield, Silent Image, Thunderwave
2nd Level Spells: Hold Person, Invisibility
3rd Level Spells: Counterspell, Major Image, Spirit Guardians
4th Level: Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door
5th Level: Seeming
6th Level: Programmed Illusion
7th Level: Mirage Arcane, Simulacrum
8th Level: Mind Blank
9th Level: Foresight, Weird, Wish
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