There isn't much to say about this save that she's a vampire with a gun. I could try to completely recreate Seras's backstory and abilities, but she's rather more varied than D&D makes easy to represent with its system. In this case, I'm going to be focusing mostly on Dexterity and Wisdom with some Constitution as well. That said, if this were Hero System, I'd have her with some rather middling Dexterity but high Strength and Constitution. This is because in 6th edition Hero System the ability to hit is not directly tied to any of the characteristics but has to be bought separately.
For this I am using my typical theoretical 30 pt array of 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10.
1st Level Dreadblood Dhampir Fighter
Str: 12
Dex: 15
Con: 16
HP: 13
AC: 13
Speed: 30 ft
Initiative: +2
Speed: 30 ft
Initiative: +2
Proficiency Bonus: +2
Darkvision 60ft
Hard to Kill
Sunlight Sensitivity
Unnatural Resilience
Disquieting Presence
Friend to Fear
Armor Proficiencies: Light Armor, Medium Armor, Heavy Armor, Shield
Hard to Kill
Sunlight Sensitivity
Unnatural Resilience
Disquieting Presence
Friend to Fear
Armor Proficiencies: Light Armor, Medium Armor, Heavy Armor, Shield
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution
Languages: Common, Elvish, Goblinoid, Halfling
Languages: Common, Elvish, Goblinoid, Halfling
Proficient Skills
Athletics (Fighter) +3
Insight (City Watch Investigator) +3
Investigation (City Watch Investigator) +3
Perception (Fighter) +3
Stealth (Friend to Fear) +4
Athletics (Fighter) +3
Insight (City Watch Investigator) +3
Investigation (City Watch Investigator) +3
Perception (Fighter) +3
Stealth (Friend to Fear) +4
Background: City Watch Investigator
Fighting Style: Archery
Second Wind
Leather Armor
Reasoning: Alucard in Hellsing is very much a figure that inspires raw terror so I decided to opt for the dreadblood for the dhampir subrace. Given Seras's background I decided to go along with the City Watch background using the Investigator variant. I went with higher Wisdom than Strength despite Seras being rather damn strong because Grit is powered on Wisdom.
2nd to 5th Level
2nd Level - Action Surge (one use), +9 HP (22)
3rd Level - Archetype: Gunslinger, Gunsmith, Grit, Deadeye Shot, Firearms Proficiency, +9 HP (31)
4th Level - Ability Score Improvement: +1 Dex and +1 Wis, +9 HP (40)
5th Level - Proficiency Bonus: +3, Extra Attack, +9 HP (49)
Reasoning: Adding to Dex and Wis here lets me increase two things connected to my gunslinging, my ability to hit and the Grit I use to do special attacks. I am also assuming that a breastplate would be acquired at some point in these areas.
5th Level Statistics
5th Level Dreadblood Dhampir Gunslinger
Str: 12
Dex: 16
Con: 16
HP: 49
AC: 16
Gunslinger Save DC: 14
Grit: 2
Speed: 30 ft
Initiative: +3
Gunslinger Save DC: 14
Grit: 2
Speed: 30 ft
Initiative: +3
Proficiency Bonus: +3
Darkvision 60ft
Hard to Kill
Sunlight Sensitivity
Unnatural Resilience
Disquieting Presence
Friend to Fear
Armor Proficiencies: Light Armor, Medium Armor, Heavy Armor, Shield
Hard to Kill
Sunlight Sensitivity
Unnatural Resilience
Disquieting Presence
Friend to Fear
Armor Proficiencies: Light Armor, Medium Armor, Heavy Armor, Shield
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons, Firearms
Tools: Tinker's Tools
Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution
Languages: Common, Elvish, Goblinoid, Halfling
Languages: Common, Elvish, Goblinoid, Halfling
Proficient Skills
Athletics (Fighter) +4
Insight (City Watch Investigator) +5
Investigation (City Watch Investigator) +4
Perception (Fighter) +5
Stealth (Friend to Fear) +6
Athletics (Fighter) +4
Insight (City Watch Investigator) +5
Investigation (City Watch Investigator) +4
Perception (Fighter) +5
Stealth (Friend to Fear) +6
Background: City Watch Investigator
Fighting Style: Archery
Second Wind
Action Surge (one use)
Deadeye Shot
Extra Attack
6th to 10th Level
6th Level - Ability Score Improvement: Sharpshooter, +9 HP (58)
7th Level - Quickdraw, Violent Shot, +9 HP (67)
8th Level - Ability Score Improvement: +2 Dex, +9 HP (76)
9th Level - Proficiency Bonus +4, Indomitable (one use), +9 HP (85)
10th Level - Trick Shot, +9 HP (94)
Reasoning: I went for the Sharpshooter early because I find it best to get Feats in early on or when key story arcs resolve. Characteristics I'd rather save for when I am reaching a bit of difficulty. The Archery style will make up for the lack of Dex and the 6th level Feat is a bit early compared to other classes. Another note is that at this point, studded leather and breastplate offer the same AC, so I dropped back down to the light armor.
10th Level Statistics
Str: 12
Dex: 18
Con: 16
HP: 94
AC: 16
Gunslinger Save DC: 16
Grit: 2
Speed: 30 ft
Initiative: +8
Gunslinger Save DC: 16
Grit: 2
Speed: 30 ft
Initiative: +8
Proficiency Bonus: +4
Darkvision 60ft
Hard to Kill
Sunlight Sensitivity
Unnatural Resilience
Disquieting Presence
Friend to Fear
Armor Proficiencies: Light Armor, Medium Armor, Heavy Armor, Shield
Hard to Kill
Sunlight Sensitivity
Unnatural Resilience
Disquieting Presence
Friend to Fear
Armor Proficiencies: Light Armor, Medium Armor, Heavy Armor, Shield
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons, Firearms
Tools: Tinker's Tools
Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution
Languages: Common, Elvish, Goblinoid, Halfling
Languages: Common, Elvish, Goblinoid, Halfling
Proficient Skills
Athletics (Fighter) +5
Insight (City Watch Investigator) +6
Investigation (City Watch Investigator) +5
Perception (Fighter) +6
Stealth (Friend to Fear) +8
Athletics (Fighter) +5
Insight (City Watch Investigator) +6
Investigation (City Watch Investigator) +5
Perception (Fighter) +6
Stealth (Friend to Fear) +8
Background: City Watch Investigator
Feat: Sharpshooter
Fighting Style: Archery
Second Wind
Action Surge
Deadeye Shot
Extra Attack
Violent Shart
Indomitable (one use)
Trick Shot
Studded Leather
11th to 15th Level
11th Level - Extra Attack (2), +9 HP (103)
12th Level - Ability Score Improvement: +2 Wis, +9 HP (112)
13th Level - Proficiency Bonus +5, Indomitable (two uses) +9 HP (121)
14th Level - Ability Score Improvement: +2 Dex, +9 HP (130)
15th Level - Lightning Reload, Piercing shot, +9 HP (139)
Reasoning: I considered taking more feats, but I decided to more focus on raw stats here. The character has the basic capabilities I most desire for the concept, so just increasing capability seems key. This means maxing out Dex and increasing Wis to grant more Grit.
15th Level Statistics
15th Level Dreadblood Dhampir Gunslinger
Str: 12
Dex: 20
Con: 16
HP: 139
AC: 17
Gunslinger Save DC: 18
Grit: 3
Speed: 30 ft
Initiative: +10
Gunslinger Save DC: 18
Grit: 3
Speed: 30 ft
Initiative: +10
Proficiency Bonus: +5
Darkvision 60ft
Hard to Kill
Sunlight Sensitivity
Unnatural Resilience
Disquieting Presence
Friend to Fear
Armor Proficiencies: Light Armor, Medium Armor, Heavy Armor, Shield
Hard to Kill
Sunlight Sensitivity
Unnatural Resilience
Disquieting Presence
Friend to Fear
Armor Proficiencies: Light Armor, Medium Armor, Heavy Armor, Shield
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons, Firearms
Tools: Tinker's Tools
Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution
Languages: Common, Elvish, Goblinoid, Halfling
Languages: Common, Elvish, Goblinoid, Halfling
Proficient Skills
Athletics (Fighter) +6
Insight (City Watch Investigator) +8
Investigation (City Watch Investigator) +6
Perception (Fighter) +8
Stealth (Friend to Fear) +10
Athletics (Fighter) +6
Insight (City Watch Investigator) +8
Investigation (City Watch Investigator) +6
Perception (Fighter) +8
Stealth (Friend to Fear) +10
Background: City Watch Investigator
Feat: Sharpshooter
Fighting Style: Archery
Second Wind
Action Surge
Deadeye Shot
Extra Attack (2)
Violent Shart
Indomitable (two uses)
Trick Shot
Lightning Reload
Piercing Shot
Studded Leather
16th to 20th Level
16th Level - Ability Score Improvement: Resilient: Wisdom, +9 HP (148)
17th Level - Proficiency Bonus +6, Action Surge (two uses), Indomitable (three uses) +9 HP (157)
18th Level - Vicious Intent, Hemorrhaging Critical, +9 HP (166)
19th Level - Ability Score Improvement: Perceptive, +9 HP (175)
20th Level - Extra Attack (3), +9 HP (184)
Reasoning: I considered two choices here, one was the way I ended up going: to take Perceptive and Resilient to increase Wisdom and gain Wisdom as a proficient saving throw while ramping up perception. The other was to take a flat bonus +2 to Wisdom and the Feat Tough for a bundle of extra hit points. Earlier I had also considered the Brawny feat just to give her something of a vampire's superior strength, but ultimately decided against it.
20th Level Statistics
10th Level Dreadblood Dhampir Gunslinger
Str: 12
Dex: 20
Con: 16
HP: 184
AC: 17
Gunslinger Save DC: 19
Grit: 4
Speed: 30 ft
Initiative: +11
Gunslinger Save DC: 19
Grit: 4
Speed: 30 ft
Initiative: +11
Proficiency Bonus: +6
Darkvision 60ft
Hard to Kill
Sunlight Sensitivity
Unnatural Resilience
Disquieting Presence
Friend to Fear
Armor Proficiencies: Light Armor, Medium Armor, Heavy Armor, Shield
Hard to Kill
Sunlight Sensitivity
Unnatural Resilience
Disquieting Presence
Friend to Fear
Armor Proficiencies: Light Armor, Medium Armor, Heavy Armor, Shield
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons, Firearms
Tools: Tinker's Tools
Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution, Wisdom
Languages: Common, Elvish, Goblinoid, Halfling
Languages: Common, Elvish, Goblinoid, Halfling
Proficient Skills
Athletics (Fighter) +7
Insight (City Watch Investigator) +10
Investigation (City Watch Investigator) +7
Perception (Fighter) +16
Stealth (Friend to Fear) +11
Athletics (Fighter) +7
Insight (City Watch Investigator) +10
Investigation (City Watch Investigator) +7
Perception (Fighter) +16
Stealth (Friend to Fear) +11
Background: City Watch Investigator
Feat: Perceptive, Resilient: Wisdom, Sharpshooter
Fighting Style: Archery
Second Wind
Action Surge (two uses)
Deadeye Shot
Extra Attack (3)
Violent Shart
Indomitable (three uses)
Trick Shot
Lightning Reload
Piercing Shot
Vicious Intent
Hemorrhaging Critical
Studded Leather
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