Monday, February 20, 2023

Caress Melani Raw Session Notes

Lost Mines of Phandelver/Tyranny of Dragons raw session notes

Caress's Journal Page

Session 1

Met at Sad Larry's and interacted with some cruel bullies.
Sad Larry's is affected by Celestial magic, but there seems to be a curse on it. 
We cleaned it to some degree but it became dirty far quicker than I expected.
Helped a boy find his dog. The dog was dead, but still happy to see the boy.
Hired by Gundrun Rockseeker, a dwarven miner to escort some supplies.
Explained matters to the local Sharess contingent.

Session 2

Dead horse in the livery of our employer.
Shot up with goblin arrows.
Gundrun missing
Ambushed by goblins.
They were crispy
Tracked the goblin tracks back to a cave.
Defeated the outer guards.
Freed the wolves.
Fought in the Dark, used a dart
Many wilhelm screams
Flooded stream, we avoided it the second time.
Slippery and rocky slope
Ravyn felled
Yeemick has our employer, the human that hired us in the dwarf's name.
Made a deal to kill Klarg

Session 3 

Fought and defeated Klarg
Mythram had Caress's back
Found bits of armor-crafting in crates with Lionshield Coster livery
Encouraged Yeemick to take up a career that isn't banditry
Came into town.
Leveled Up - Level 2: Blessed Warrior, Divine Smite, Spellcasting, +8 HP
Caress paid her respects to the shrine of Tymora, heard about Agatha
Mythram went to the Lionshield Coster and Barthen's Provisions
Mythram discussed Zhentarim and the Red Brand bandit crew
We had a round of "what the fuck is up with that?"
Mythram asked Lyra about her powers
Lyra asked Caress about her paladin-hood
Mythram followed up with commenting on Caress being ace
Caress asked Mythram about her goddess
Discussion of Shar occurred

Session 4 (I was absent)

Attended to duties and rested at the inn. 

Session 5

Fought the Nothic
Fought the Glasstaff, Redbrand, and Bugbears
Was one-shotted by a Bugbear critical hit
Roused via a potion from Mythram
Had generally bad luck with hitting.
Used one of her darts.
Critical Smite hit a Bugbear to death

Session 6

Investigated the secret passage.
Found an armory.
Fought skeletons, took two hits, did not go down.
Was surprised by the bandits.
Lyra ruined their ambush.
Mythram and Lyra both took serious hits.
Healed Mythram
Full Shibari restraint on a Redbrand
Rescued Mirna, Nars, and Nilsa from prison.
Party comedically convinced the remaining Redbrands to leave the area.
Level 3

Session 7

Traveled to Conyberry
It was abandoned.
Spoke to Agatha
She offered us a question in exchange for the Lucksister's gift and info in exchange for never bringing gods back to her place
Found abandoned Shar holy site, Mythram identified it.
Found body of a Dark Justicar and a body of Dark Moon monk.
Dark Moons  are an almost impossible to join monk sect.
Justicars granted that title for killing a Selunite.
Not undead within sight.
Lyra senses Strong Abjuration magic
Skeleton in bright blue coat, Ravyn recognizes order of the Blue Moon (Selunite knightly order) 
Selunites and Dark Moons killed each other... Some Justicars killed by Selunites. No Selunites killed by Justicars
Relic of the Dark Moon heresy?
Selune created the sun at great cost to herself (Shar angered by her sister's pain?)
The Netherese established the first church of Shar may have corrupted the worship.
Statue of Shar, facing away from the door to rear right corner of the room.
No traps.
The monk was here to be empowered.
The Justicars laid siege to the Dark Moons
When the Justicars were fought off, the Blue Coats came next.
Something came after the monk didn't see what.
Revealed the secret to a "petty thiefling"
Says he'll kill Lyra if we let her out.
He wants to die, if he is released, he will crumble to dust
Statue rails cleansed and moved, monk crumbles to dust
Three spheres roll out. 
When she touched the sphere a morsel of Divine Favor comes to me.
Mythram thanks Shar
Received Bast's Foci
Caress conducts funerary rites.
Sleep at Conyberry

Session 8

Scouting, good stealth roll
Raven imp invisible scouts
explosion goes now
Mythram takes aim
Caress blocks the door
Red Wizard steps out of the door and takes an arrow to the everything
Raven positions
Moonbeam in the door
Radiant Whip to the right
Zombies press forward through moonbeam
Eldritch blast over the shoulder
Ray of Frost over shoulder
Decapitating arrow
Whip it good
Who would you want to splash? The one that survived. It fails to continue surviving.
"There was some damage in this encounter"
Missed a hit
Took some hits
Zombies down
Ring of Protection
Short Rest
Can't find whose tower this is.
Camp away from the corpses
Mythram On watch
Hobgoblin demanding audience with orc bandit
"Join the black spider"
Mythram happens to watchman and intimidates the hobgoblin
Bounty against Lyra
"Smile as yuanti a way as possible"
Caress is still good at binding
Targor the Bloodsword, Successor to King Graal
Bounty is for the Glassstaff item
Raven spots orc cook, Mythram goes to investigate
And "oh fuck, adventurers!"
Strike, Cook is downed, Mythram posts at entrance.
Lyra readies herself for moonbeam
Targor struggles
Caress casts bless and Clawed Dance and moves to entrance
Javelin careens off Caress's shield
Moonbeam happens
Suddenly, Ogre ("Where did that come from!?")
Raven tells a joke, it was super-effective
Familiar scouts
Knockout Targo? (he's faking it)
Lyra sacred flames two orcs and terrifies ogre with fey step
Brughor Axe-Biter throws box at ogre
Does not remake the save.
Orc kicks the ogre out of the funny
Ogre great club and fear keeps it from hitting and pasting Caress
Ogre go laughing again
Orcs toss Javelins at Lyra, they miss, though she has to raise a shield via the Glassstaff
Raven sees through imp's eyes, didn't see anything much
Lyra casts burning hands and moves away
Brughor fails to snap ogre out of funny
Caress Smites with her whip, Ogre still thinks it's funny
Raven blind fires eldritch blast and hits the ogre
Orcs trying to get past the ogres, one manages it, the next two don't - blocked by Caress
Orc fails to hit Lyra with great axe
Mythram about to happen to orc slipper
Mythram happens to orc
Orc is regretting life choices
Lyra happens to Brughor due to Tasha's Mind-Whip "you have one of these"
Lyra Eladrin-bamfs Ogre fearage, but ogre resists
"He had some cunning plans in the works and now he can take a move, an action, or a bonus action"
Rending Claw of Bast removes the Orc Slipper and smites the Ogre again, Ogre still alive
Raven blasts Brughor with a blast and a half
Another orc slips by 21 vs 21, hits Mythram with an axe...
Next slipper fails, panicking looking for another Javelin
Mythram answers the orc's axe with a shortsword... "he approximates the texture of skittles"
The ogre goes down to a whip.
Raven obliterates Brughor, it is quite messy and does splash
Raven: "I do believe we won."
Caress ties up the surrendering orc... it is the most comfortable he's ever been tied up before

Session 9

Note: I forgot to take notes.

Head back to Phandalin slowly. On the second night, Caress takes watch and fails to note Targor escaping.
Mythram tracks the everything and we follow Targor straight to Cragmaw Castle
Once again, we find Targor outside a stronghold arguing with guards. 
This time he's killed instead of politely captured.
Guards start coming out and shooting at us. 
Lyra bamfs into one of the guard posts and her bamf charms one of the guards
More people start coming to fight us.
Ravyn heads past Caress into the hallway 
Caress moves around the corner to try to support Lyra.
Lyra bamfs out to another place.
Some hobgoblins open a door to find Caress
Caress is now locked in engagement at the north.
Lyra is Shield-spell tanking the south flank
Mythram and Ravyn are in the center
Ablative plot armor starts seriously ablating.
Caress has bad luck but holds.
Moonbeam starts taking out bandits.
There's chanting.
Mythram stops the chanting with her rogue power: meat tunnel.
One of the hobgoblins runs away and opens a door.
Now there's a grick
The grick starts eating bandits.
Ravyn goes down.
Ravyn's familiar kills her attacker
Caress heals Ravyn and then herself at the advice of everybody else
We start exploring the castle, kill two sleeping bandits 
We open a door... there's an owlbear
Owlbear gets moonsinged and Caress convinces it to leave the castle and leave them alone.
King Grol opens the door and calls out that there are adventurers.
A doppleganger disguised as a drow tries to kill the person we're rescuing.
The imp stings him.
Mythram breezes past all Grol and his wolf with dope-rogue-shit.
Mythram happens to the doppleganger.
Ravyn's eldritch blast happens to the wolf.
The imp tries to stabilize Gundren.
Lyra bamfs in and Moonbeam happens to Grol.
Crackety smite happens to Grol
We return to Phandalin and hear Gundren will eventually recover.
We report on quest completion.
Ravyn gets Harper invite.
Caress gets Order of Gauntlet invite.
First thought: Caress in Order of Gauntlet will be awkward.
Second thought: Caress in Order of Gauntlet will be hilarious.
Level up to 4
Charisma +2 to 18

Session 10

Caress became a Cheval with the Order of the Gauntlet
Traveled to Thundertree, spent the night in Neverwinter
Arrived to Thundertree
Sign reading "plant monsters and zombies" with the sign of the Emerald Enclave
Getting swarmed by easily killed blights
Lyra rattled her moon beam around in a tavern and killed a bunch of ash zombies.
We're waking up all the twig blights
The druid in the area is annoyed at us
There are spiders.
Caress took a wrong turn and missed the bulk of the fight
Leave behind the twig blights to help with the giant spiders
Leap from one wall to the other... land flat on back...painfully
Mythram and Lyra killing the spiders
Druid becomes a dire wolf
Healed Mythram of poison
there's a dragon in the area
The Cult of the Dragon is in the area
We found the alchemist's goods and there's the elements of a couple of magical tattoos...
We're looking toward dealing with the cult at least, maybe the dragon.

Session 11

Approached the house containing the cultists.
While talking strategy, tried to sneak forward and attracted attention.
Everybody started sneaking around while cultists came to talk to Caress
Caress tried to apply her Yuan-ti ability to Suggest... it didn't work
These cultists are very perceptive and nimble... they've been saying their prayers.
The cultists get mowed down
Reiodoth will offer to guide us to the mines if we deal with the dragon.
We approach the dragon, Caress casts Bless on Ravyn, Mythram, and Lyra
Lyra casts dragon breath on the imp and Ravyn
Caress steps forward and the dragon appears to challenge.
Negotiations do not go well.
The dragon breathes, Caress resists well enough, but Mythram is also hit in the cloud
Reposition to direct the dragon to face her
Dragon resists the laughter
Dragon gets mind whipped and breathes in Caress's face, she resists...
Dragon gets Hexed
Sneak attacked
Great damn claws take down Caress and then Lyra gets bitten
The imp feeds Caress a goodberry, the dragon tries to flee
From prone, Caress takes an AoO and smites the dragon, which dies
Mythram harvests the remains of the dragon and several pieces of the dragon show to have more magic
Caress takes the Still Eye of the Dragon to apply to her shield

Session 12

Druid leads us to Wave Echo Cave
Forge of Spells / Lost Mine of Phandelver
Get Barrier Tattoo
Drow tracks
Cavern, dead dwarf
Caress is bad at investigation
Dwarf killed by spiders
Investigate pit
Attacked by stirges
Lots of stirges
Stirge swatting galore
Devil asks Caress for heals
Ravyn gets a stirge
Discovery of a ready room with animated skeletons
Mythram calls for Caress
Mythram and Lyra Dragon Breathing skeletons
Ravyn Mind Slivering one between
Effective dragon breath from Mythram
Skeletons in the hall have been removed by Lyra and Ravyn
Used Still Eye of the Dragon to cancel damage

Session 13

Continue exploring encounter a room with ghouls.
Planned to funnel the ghouls toward Caress
Plan failed because ghouls are unexpectedly fast and strong (good rolls).
Ghouls are brought down.
Get a potion of vitality
Short rest taken.
Ambushed by ochre jelly
Destroyed the ochre jelly 
Back off to take long rest.
Return to mines and head to north passage.
Looks like the tunnels the jelly was wandering in.
Find a pool full of stagnant water.
Party says "nope" to poking the stagnant water.
Find a cavern into which the water flows then a guard station of bugbears.
Have fight.
Dealing with CoH tanker instincts... ooops...

Session 14

Mythram sneaks to the cavern
Drow commanding bugbears
Caress Borrowed Mythram's Lantern
Caress moves forward to draw attention
Strikes the bugbear
Bugbear falls off the edge and takes more damage
Mythram shoots the drow with an arrow and moves into melee
Lyra drops an uncareful moonbeam
drow is actually doppleganger
bugbear tries to circumvent Caress, fails
Ravyn's blast eliminates the bugbear that Caress just whipped
Doppleganger flees
Bugbears press forward
Doppleganger dies to Lyra's mind whip
bugbear smashes into Ravyn
Imp stings bugbear
Caress smites a bugbear
Ravyn's mind sliver eliminates the last bugbear
begin searching area
Ravyn and Caress rest
Find gauntlets of ogre power on a dwarf skeleton (ogres of gauntlet power)
Sneak to the temple
Low voices
Start sneaking again
Lyra gets seen, fight starts
Lots of giant spiders
"Drow" wizard
Lyra and Mythram are webbed
Caress dewebs them with Rending Claw of Bast (Booming Blade)
Mage(Nezznar) casts darkness
Mage monologues "You could have just surrendered you fools. I would have kept alive long enough to learn who sent you. You can still give up your patrons."
Lyra moonbeams the mage
Darkness falls
Lyra switches concentration to Dragon's Breath
Mythram happens to mage
Spider skittles forward and tries to attack Mythram
Ravyn blasts spider, gets into cover
Spider tries to web Lyra fails badly
Bugbear tries to bash Lyra meets Shield
Spider webs Mythram
Spider fails to web Lyra
Caress burns spider and dewebs Mythram
Bugbear beats feet.
Lyra shoves the next bugbear aside and moves under the spiders before enacting Dragon Breath the Animation Firey breath
Ravyn blasts a spider with help from Ijit... it's a hefty hit, but the spider is still alive
Bugbear misses Lyra
Spider attacks Lyra and gets shielded
Spider fails to web Lyra
Caress surges forward but fails to hit the bugbear
other bugbear continues to flee (brave sir robin, pitter patter of enormous feet.)
Dragonbreath is unleashed on the spiders
Spider falls on us, we are tangled up in dead spider bits
Mythram hits a spider and erupts it
Spider falls on Lyra again.
Bugbear attacks Caress and fails
Spider bites Caress
Caress destroys the spider and some of the damage spalshes to the bugbear
Spider falls on Lyra and bugbear
Lyra breathes on the bugbear, who makes an wonderful attempt to dodge, but dies anyway
Lyra Prestidigtate cleans Caress and herself (reverse that order)
Caress heals Lyra and herself
Find a spider-staff
Lyra finds a key to the door Mythram has already picked open
Unconscious dwarf found in locked room.
Found loot
statue has glass-eyes that look like gems, enchanted to crash the ceiling down
Dumathuin is a troll
Level 5 - Gain 2nd Level spells/Extra Attack

Session 14

Boy with his dog has been picked up by the Emerald Enclave
Ravyn's imp "Idjit" shapeshifts into a rat named Mr. Snuffles.
Mythram notices people pointing at Ravyn
The seeker and old lady came to talk to us...
Larry lacks love
The Seeker proposes a game. game.
The prize is a Ring.
Mythram investigates Sad Larry's and looks for a temple to Shar
Caress seeks the Order of the Gauntlet and encounters bigot, she discusses the minutia of her psychology education
I apparently stopped taking notes part way through... hmmm

Session 14

Dragon worshippers increase in annoyance and appearance
Lyra looking into Sad Larry's rooms
Supplicant especially insistent to come to him later for assitance myself
Bandits on every road
Wild animals
Most expensive bounty "The White" - unnamed "The White Dragon cultist"
depiction of a mask of a white dragon
Whitehawk Elara spoke to her about Timmy and she agrees with my concerns
Marcheon Bhaide (vide) responsible for collating reports... very much like commander's lieutenant, plate armored, very serious and mustached
Old woman has illusion magic/under an illusion, a group of sisters that share a disguise and sell items... considering a shield. Purchases it.
Mythram does religious service and checks out the Bloated Bounty
In the Bloated Bounty we deal in souls
Mythram dealing with devils literal and figurative
Breaking a monopoly on Dragon's Breath Ale in the Red Dragon Inn
Parade of ghosts singing sea shanties.
Triple masted behemoth with banners saying "The grand shanty"

Session 15

Commander Artimisia Faulstus
Captain Garious Ironguts
The commander wants hull worms removed
Sharkbite Sam... Testing Fate is a dangerous drink
the shark steaks are excellent, hot and aroma
Hull worms replace bits of wood
Lyra got a bit very drunk
it was fun
used Lesser Restoration to sober her up before we tackle hull worms
"man sized worms"
Lyra offers breathing lightning
"going to put it in my mouth oh yeah?"
Hoots Magoo (parrot) escorts down but doesn't want to get close to the worms "worms at the front, I'm not at the front, I'm at the back"
sneaky giant hull worm
Caress moves forward as bait to draw out the worms
Caress successfully baits the worms....
all the acid
need shield master
Lyra breathes lightning
Drop 25 Lay on Hands on self
Step back from the worms.
3 attacks of opportunity, all blocked
"This section of the hull hisses warningly" x3
Resist Acid, Cold, and Fire
This entire deck is worms
Lyra lightninged several
Fey-Step Winter to Frighten worms, one resists
Mythram steps up with more Lightning
too many worms
"we can kill the worms, but it will kill your boat"
Tell the commander we need a dry dock
"I'd prefer not to lose my retirement gift"
"How did you come to this ship, is it a curse of sorts?"
"It's a blessing in theory."
"Once your not the captain anymore, you get to join the crew"
Ironguts was mutined by Bloody Gracie
The commander received the ship as a retirement gift
the artifact is a feather
dry dock means can't pay us what she offered
Caress Cassie Wormreader
legendary pirate operating in the area of Luskan before the high captains took it over
Hinky about the attunements
For an hour at dawn and dusk, 100 ghost pirates manifest to do your bidding
act as unseen servants
Curse on the feather
lots of charges
"Mostly used for shielding and counterspelling. Or I did...When I was meatier"
duel Ringers for the performance
"insists she's not promiscuous, just loves people"
Larry's in a better state
the worm situation is a bit out of our hands because of how far it got... we'd sink the ship, so we'll have to leave that off
the "pooper" is a gaping angry void
beautiful immaculate decorating... horrible void of nothingness
"void your bowels"
giving more money get things fixed up
the "pooper needs more ominous name now"
"Pooper HAHAHA!!"
When you sit on the pooper, until you leave, you have the frightened condition
The leader of the local order of the gauntlet... they captured a castle
want us to investigate the matter
Teleportation circle at the center of the castle
prior adventurers are seeking healing magic with expensive components
heavy amount of funding to hire mercenaries
Castle Naerytar

Session 16

 very healthy looking castle here
the dragon is dead, the head cultist fled through the portal
Wormreader is a red dragonborn and always manages to avoid combat somehow
has artifacts
Ijit goes through the portal first
substantial altitude shift
portal is a permanent teleport circle locked to a specific location
portal is a roiling mist not unlike a fog machine
uphill deep into the woods
trolls with giant lizards kitted as hunting animals
skyharbor cliffs
Mythram knocks on the door
white kobold answers the door "what does it want?"
two kobolds
"they make the gesture"
"What does it want?"
Ravyn recognizes a gesture to Tiamat, poses as a cultist to get us inside.chef outfit and dragon cult mask
Ask what dragonspeaker we're representing
failed deception
Suggestion spell by Caress to ask for cooperation
fetch Lady Talos... but actually getting Thespin
Start casting Detect Poison and Disease
Mythram stealths into the hallway
demonic statues
free-standing suits of armor
Mythram sees incoming ambush
rushes to warn
brushes a suit of armor and is frozen
start fight
rush to free Mythram, Caress rolls under the target
Lyra hit by a bullseye (crit) of a sling bullet
four-armed troll
ambush drakes
cultist shuts the kitchen door
kobold stabs Ravyn
Ijit stings the Kobold
Kobolds maneuvering
sling misses Lyra
Ravyn mind slivers a drake
Ambush drake rushes past Ravyn and Ijit
takes AoOs
hit twice
Caress calls out to Sharess and casts Moonbeam on the Troll
A cultist attacks Lyra
Lyra lightning-breaths several people again
Troll happens to Ravyn
Ijit kills ambush drake
Ravyn recovers Sneaky research
Kobold got a coincidental murdering from the Moonbeam
Cultist bursts out of the room and flees
Mythram breaks free of the ice
stabs the ambush drake
the troll laughs
Tasha's Hideous Laughter for the win
Ravyn flees
Ambush pounces Lyra and is shielded
Rending Claw of Bast to the ambush drake and kobold, kills both, moves up to the troll
Lyra breathes on the ambush drake and it dies
Troll smashes into Caress
Ijit kills a cultist in passing
and then another one deliberately
Ijit struck by a scimitar
Mythram steps up to the troll using the Quiet Eye of the Dragon
the troll successfully saves
stabs in with off-hand dagger
Ravyn uses the Eldritch Blast
hits one for two
Caress stab-smites the troll
it is down
Lyra thundersteps and then fus-ro-dahs the troll into the fireplace
ijit (fails to) kill the last cultist
last cultist flees

Session 17

Mythram kills the last cultist
still a hubbub
Caress steps into the courtyard and sees two kobolds
calls for them to surrender or flee
one does immediately surrender
Ravyn holding back due to lack of HP
Appearance of Talis the White
Heavy armor and shield
White dragon born
Wormspeaker sent you
Talis tells Mythram future children will remember her suffering
Mythram happens to guy in armor
a lot a lot
Caress heads back into the feast hall, goes over the table and heals Ravyn
Gives the whip enchantment as well
Ravyn does Eldritch Blast and hits one for two
Hexes someone
Kobolds wearing maid dresses
Mythram is attacked by a Veteran
Lyra plants moonbeam on Talis
Caress engages with the Veteran
Fanatic charges forward
strikes Caress
The still eye of the dragon flashes against the fanatic
Lyra punches Talis back into the moonbeam
Talis calls for an insect plague and Lyra counters
vanishes into a room to call reinforcements
Maelgot (Veteran) attacks, misses Mythram, grazes Caress, misses Mythram
Kobold attacks Lyra
Mythram kills Maelgot
Mythram happens to the fanatic
Caress heals Mythram, charges Veteran in the courtyard
Veteran attacks her and strikes, Still Eye fixes him painfully
Lyra does a mind strike
Talis resists
Lyra teleports next to Talis
Hero Kobold does Caress a major stab
kobold stabs Lyra
Mythram fires at Sorvic, misses
Caress makes a Rending Claw of Bast, splash damage kills the kobold
Main damage with smite doesn't quite kill Sorvic
Misty Step away
Sorvic pursues
stabs Mythram  but misses Caress
Ravyn blasts a kobold and then Talis
Ring of Spell Storing unleashes Evard's Black Tentacles
Lyra counters
Helmed Horror
Lyra moves the moonbeam
misty steps away
Talis terrified
gets into cover
Talis burns in the moonlight
"There's a fucking helmed horror!"
Talis dispels the moonbeam
Mythram kills Sorvic and sneaks down the hall
Caress heals herself and moves to rejoin Ravyn
Mythram sneak attacks the helmed horror
Caress tries to hit it with a dart
dart misses
Talis killing someone off screen
Ravyn moves back into the field
Helmed Horror stumbles on Mythram
Lyra Fey Steps to range of the Horror, Thundersteps away
the Helmed Horror has magic resistance
Mythram disassembles the Helmed Horror
Lyra reports the secret door
Caress gets to the fireplace, can't find the secret door
Ravyn pops up and opens the door
there are two prisoners
one seems to be stabbed by a spear
Lyra gets in via teleportation and see more people
Talis steps out and surrenders to Mythram
calls for support
Caress moves to help tie up the villain, doesn't quite get there
Talis killed a rival cultist before fleeing
Lyra and Ravyn attend to prisoners
Nature's Wrath to restrain Talis and reinforces that with actual rope
Wand of Winter
Miresella Baldur's Gate scout
Craggnor ally of Varram the White
Brother Caemon been beaten around a bit

Session 18

dead dwarven prisoner
elven scout in bad condition
human priest kept as sacrifice
tapestry of conjuration being put in bag of holding
seriously impressive library
found some Kobolds
Talis gave directions to the armory
Caress finding servants
Caress is bad at investigating
Lyra interrogating Talis
magic spear found
10 unrecoverable charges
"Tiamat's eyes shine" to cast daylight for one charge
Talis offers letters of recommendation to a sky castle
Ravyn releases her
things I have to fill in in order to not look suspicious
message to give the red priest
red wizards
somebody in Thay is funding this cult
gives us letters of recommendation for the skycastle
Lyra and Mythram go upstairs
they find a trapped lock and trigger the trap
4000 gold pieces, scroll of scorching ray
suit of +1 chain mail
Mythram finds two nesting perytons
and cooperate in killing them
they don't successfully kill them in one go
one flyby attacks and knocks out Lyra
Mythram stabilizes her
Tapestry of gems
Lyra and Mythram discuss what to do with captives
village of Parnast
Savage Frontier
not far from Lurkwood
north of Mithral Hall
five tapestries depicting dragons
Blue attacking a desert campaign - Anauroch
Green poisoning elves - High Forest
White and Black circling a swamp with ruins - Mere of Dead Men
Red burning the Castle Ward - Waterdeep
fifth of Tiamat bedecked with gems - claws clutching Neverwinter, Waterdeep, and Baldur's Gate
not many ambush drakes left, secured in individual pens
three remaining ambush drakes
wyvern stables
long rest
the human servants are wanting to be free of the cult
tapestry teleports you somewhere within a 5 mile radius with a high probability of a big game animal nearby 

Session 19

Five Wormspeakers
Severin the Red
Galvan the Blue
Neronvain the Green
Rezmir the Black
Varram the White.
enormous amount of loot is moving through a flying castle
castle belongs to a cloud giant allied to the cult, currently docked near Parnast
small village
not many residents
mighty castle
40ft walls
huge towers
blue ice and crumbling stone towers
giant's scale
large grey building - shrine stable
Shrine is brownish building west of square - shrine to elven seasonal deities
blue building - Golden Tankard
rest is all residential
Shrine has
Profaned statue to Auril
desecrated statue to Angharradh
Meiliki is freshly painted
Chauntea is dull chipped, neglect
Lyra suggests avoiding fixing things just yet
the Meilikki statue has been repaired recently
Elf/Human village
"man with the very king of mutton chops at the bar"
other person is doing his best to repair the shrine
Mythram sees someone slipping out to the castle
boy has instructions to report strangers
Aeflstan is in the castle
Mythram is terrifying
guy in command
mercenary, well-off, successful
not wearing cult accouterment
as leaving, he takes up a golden tankard and speaks to it, starting to drink
the castle has ogres
guard does not like us not giving the counter sign
seems annoyed with Lady Talus
guard is suspicious of Lyra
Lyra passes muster

Cult: May she rise
Owner of castle: Hail <hard to spell name> (Blagothkus)
Ravyn recognizes the name
Cloud giant name
fairly common
"Hail Brad"
massive statues don't lash out at us on the way in when we use the password
enter as "allies"
everything is out scale
goal is to find Rezmir
giant footprints
seeing ogres
smithy, storage shed, stable
find an ogre to ask about where to find the "humie cult"
Mythram knocks
Lyra introduces us
we see one cultist in elaborate garb but no mask
directed to Rezmir
Lyra presents our letters of introduction
name slipped: Glazhael
dragon is in the castle
Rezmir wants to know if we want to talk to the dragon now and leaves us to make our own negotiations with Brad
record scratch Red Wizards
steal clear of the crumbling tower
dragon is lairing in icicle caverns under the castle
20 kobolds of varying colors working in the kitchen
Griffin looking over them
Griffin seems smarter than the average griffin
ogres with shiny helmets
very white plumes
Lyra approaches with "suitably deferential air and complements their uniforms"
we're introduced to Brad
given access to rooms
Giant is looking at the cult as "potential worthy adversaries"
bones of the giants ancestors are under the castle
given an armory to serve as a camp
nice masterwork pieces of armor sized for 20ft tall persons
storeroom is very magical
Rath Modar the Red Wizard is trying to ally with Tiamat to overthrow Szaas Tam
- Cultist of some importance, unknown specifics
- Rezmir is here
- Red Wizards of Thay
- Blagothkus (Brad) is here
- pair of closest giant allies have the rooms next to Brad
- Glazhael is in the tombs under the castle (part of castle)
- forbidden room in level above giants
Oesthelstan. Talis, Accoutrement, Rath Modar


Session 20

ogres use rope and grapnels to bypass the forbidden floor
Mythram is going to climb up the tower
safety rope with a lovely roll of 12 (6+2 + 1d4 guidance)
Spider-Mythram (crit success athletics to climb) gets to the roof
Lyra sees a space manipulation
forbidden floor might not actually exist
Mythram started to reach the floor... and then was suddenly on the roof
Mythram sees 4 ogres, massive siege engine, ballistae
Mythram secures a rope and pulls us up
we sneak along with a guidance from Shar guiding Lyra
find a hatch leading down to the forbidden room
Mythram climbs down a ladder and still some spatial warping
ladder goes to the floor below the forbidden floor
wooden structure incased in ice engraved with 18 runes
"titanic transmutation magic, a bit of conjuration as well"
applies forces to things: specifically the castle
little bit of evocation
giant rooms
secret door to the north
stairs to south
heading south downstairs to clear that direction
we feel it's part of the secret area
portraits of a female cloud giant and an embellished family tree
goes to the Red Wizard rooms
red wizard's door has "blazing hot abjuration"
Arcane Lock
need a special requirement to open that door
room has medium powered conjuration effect
Lyra finds a command word that will teleport us "somewhere else"
about 700 ft away
receiving point for a return teleport
back upstairs
looking at secret door
giant toilet
made out of magically permafrost ice and cleaned with prestidigitation... somehow less arcane than Larry's
approaching Red Wizards from the proper entrance
returning to room
Ritual cast Detect Poison and Disease
approaching RW
letter from Talis to Red Wizards
offering services of "someone" to the RW
Talk our way close to the RW and....

Caress gives look to see if people are ready

surprise round happens
Mythram vaults up to the table and strikes Rath Modar heavily
Ijit targets invisibly
helps Ravyn with Eldritch Blast
Ravyn blasts Rath Modar twice
a camp bed folds up into something like a gargoyle
attacks Mythram
strikes twice, rending and biting
Lyra casts moonbeam
and pulls Rath Modar into moonbeam
Surprise round ends
Mythram stabs Rath Modar who dissipates a Illusory double
But he has nothing to stop him from Ravyn blasting him
Caress steps up onto the "dias" table and shoves the other mage into the moonbeam
misses with her whip
gargoyle "gravel gravel gravel" - summoner dead, it doesn't have to obey anyone now
Lyra Mind Whips the remaining wizard and Silvery Barbs her save
Moonbeam turns her crispy
Gargoyle leaves
Rath had a lot of nice spells
he was trying to raise Tiamat in order to gain political power
"his betrayal eyes are much bigger than his betrayal belly"
many letters to other Red Wizards
pocketing letters for the Gauntlet
a lectern with a book on it
"Beyond the Iron Gates"
treatise on devil summoning
last chapter describes a ritual that could bring Tiamat bodily out of the nine hells
Red Wizards are dumb
clean up battle back to room
long rest
Caress - First Watch, notice nothing
Mythram - Middle Watch, elven figure setting on window sill
came to see what "Talis sent our way"
"Talis chose her representations well"
Mythram: "I'd prefer to hire competent people and only do the job once."
bare more markings of the true path than any of the newcomers
yup, a vampire
Ravyn can read goblin which uses giantish runes, so she can work out the control runes
Rune Commands

Cast Off.
planning approaches
steal from hoard and plant it in the giant's bathroom (Lyra's idea)
Grab silver goblets from bag of holding
grind them down
make four vials of holy water 

Session 21

2 vials to Lyra
2 vials to Ravyn
sneaking to the dilapidated tower
opening giant door
door cannot be made a jar
(pun is deliberate)
armory. storm giant sized armor
there is no down here
plenty of down outside
Mythram is sneaky
battlements overlook upper courtyard
ogres training with javelins
5 with javelins, 3 "training" in the mess tent
no stealth roll yet
Ogres on opposing wall, lower down than us
ballistae ogres technically watching the front gate, but currently floating so just relaxing
shiny helmet ogres looking alert
I think they're eating
door to tower is warded
sending Ibjeet scouting
Lyra, strong abjuration magic
Ravyn analyzes stuff
passworded Arcane Lock
decorative lock, the entire lock is from the spell
the password is not the Tiamat hand sign
3rd level Abjuration
past a Knock, but can be dispelled
Ibjeet sees a standard guard tower
2nd floor of tower, arrow slits are blinded
magical darkness and planks of wood
lots of handholds on this tower
the ogres overlooking us aren't suspicious of us prepping ropes
Mythram slips
we catch her on the rope (Caress, 19 Ath, Lyra 4 Ath, Ravyn 10 Ath)
Mythram recovers
Gets to inside tower
belays the rope and holds it
Lyra gets in
Ravyn next
Ravyn gets in no problem
Caress tries to hide the rope
16 on Sleight of Hand
wedged in mortar work
and then makes the climb in
we're all in the tower
condition to open the Arcane Lock is "be a giant"
function of the castle
Mythram sneaking to the drowsy day time vampire
Mythram sneakier than a vampire
pile all the spells on mythram
she sneaks up to the vampire
vampire is staked
vampire gurgles
vampire gets low initiative
oh, hello spawn
Ravyn heads up and shoots the vampire spawn
Caress dashes up to the next floor with everybody
Lyra mind whips the spawn
Ibjeet stings the spawn
Sandesyl Morgia incapacitated
vampire spawn spider climbs on ceiling across to over Caress and then drops
Caress and spawn both prone
Mythram slashes up one of the spawn
mind-whipped spawn can't shove Mythram out of the way
Ravyn mind slivers one of the spawn
Caress stands up, steps between the vampires and does Rending Dance of Bast to deal radiant damage of both
Lyra strikes the spawn with another mind whip
Lyra does a quickened Ray of Frost into the spawn's face
Ibjeet stings a vampire spawn and can't regenerate due to paladin doing kitty whipping
remaining spawn tries to shove past Lyra
and.... is unable to shove the weak sorcerer
Mythram happens
Mythram happens a lot
Ravyn moves the Hex from dead spawn to active spawn
Eldritch Blast at the spawn
Caress finishes last spawn
Lyra and Mythram find a decoy coffin
after an "embarrassing annoying vexing long time" to track it down
in crates
vampire crates
Nalani isn't in this game
Caress starts consecrating the vampire's grave
Sandesyl Morgia soundlessly expresses great terror
and then turns to dust
Caress and Mythram have religious discussions
Time to sneak back home and do the "not us, we're not the werewolf" bit
small bugout bag of 500 gold pieces and two potions of invisibility
time to climb back out
stealthy tattoos get out easy
well, got because Mythram as anchor gave advantage
Ravyn gets out due to belaying
Lyra falls, feather fall to ice lip
Fey Step to battlements
Mythram makes it across easy
Ibjeet unties the rope and leaves
sneak back to room
Red Wizards - down
"August Personage" - down
what's left:
white dragon
cloud giant
several ogres
the other cultists
2.5 hours later, spectral cloud giant appears
Divine Sense reports this as an undead
educated accent when she speaks
"please arrive no more than 15 minutes early" to a dinner show
"ghost probably, but also more in possession of wits and self-awareness"
more possessed of self/personality
less influential on physical world
Lyra detects magic of the necromantic school
turn up a little early
Prestidigitation on the courtesan robes from Lyra
Lyra long rests
everybody else short rests because not elves
lots of kobolds present
southern table for small/medium folk
cheeses and light breads to enjoy until dinner starts
came in, sat down, nibbles, guy came out of the red-wizards area
two stone giants, cloud giant, ghost giant
next session will be intrigue and dinner.... dintrigue

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