Thursday, September 17, 2020

Juri Como's Hero Career

 Okay, time to figure out what sort deeds Juri achieved during her period as a hero. Hero is as far as we're going here because I want to put my thoughts on demigod elsewhere. For one thing, demigod isn't complete yet, though we are getting to see bits and pieces of it now that the kickstarter is going on. It's enough to do some planning with but has the caveat that mechanics may change when the actual games come out. So, anyway, let's move on to figuring out the deeds.

Looking at my GM's summary list of stuff we did we have the following (in her words).

  • Utgaard-Loki sets you moving on finding Kaguya under threat of being tougher than you.
  • First meeting with the Sumiyoshi of setting out.
  • Kaguyahime's requests are impossible.
  • Austria, healing the toxic cave.
  • Red Stone of Aja = get, Kaguya = Marry, Life = Awesome, Kaguya's immortality = stolen by Utgaard-Loki...oh no.
    • The marry here relates to one of the other band-mates, a Chosen of Artemis.
  • Amaterasu hates you now for letting some 'more immortal than even other gods' immortality fall into titan hands.
  • Second meeting with the Sumiyoshi of travelling.
  • Island of anonymity, hiding from everyone, getting in a fight with a scion of Odin in front of all those camera phones is not hiding you trashpandas.
  • Ruya joins the party. Ruya melts the forest. Ruya wrecks the anonymity on the island even worse than you guys already did. Nice Job Breaking It Hero. The Teotl also hate you for this now.
  • Third meeting with the Sumiyoshi of arrivals.
  • We like Laura, we should recruit her. Oh shit, how do I break her being a corpse puppet to this group?

The next item on the list is "Welcome to Demigod, enjoy the buffet." And while that would indicate that the adventure with the cannibal spider adventure is the point at which the players entered Demigod, and in 1e that was correct, but there you started at Legend 2 and 3 moves of Legend put you to 5. And given my ideas for Juri's Theophany, it presents a good bookend for an adventure involving a spider Juri had to fight being the story putting her into the last rung of the Hero tier.

 So, let's pull out the three Band Deeds that happened first.

  • Impressing Kaguya-Hime
    • So, to start with, Utgaard-Loki set us to find Kaguya-Hime for reasons we weren't really sure of at the time. Once we found her, we learned about the conditions for marrying her and our Chosen of Artemis set about completing the tasks in order to impress her.
  • Evading the Bounty Hunters
    • When Atalanta married Kaguya-Hime, it unsettled her Legend enough for Utgaard-Loki to snag something of her mantle for himself. Namely the bit that made so that she can't die even if she wants to. This got us in hot water with other gods, who sent other scions after us thinking we were part of the conspiracy.
  • Defeating the Cannibal Spider
    • The island here is the next big story arc, we had ducked the bounty hunters and were now trying to uncover what Utgaard-Loki was up to, because we had the feeling that this was just the start. Along the way, we investigated some stuff in Japan and came to an island of friendly people who I think used to be yokai, but had long ago been trapped and killed by a tsuchigumo on the island. As a note, some of us still joking note that we do not forgive her for all these lovely people we met already being dead before we met them.

So, now, on to setting up the Long-Term Deeds and Short-Term Deeds.

  • Kaguya-Hime's Tasks arc 
    • Long-Term
      • "What is that in Austrian?" - This is the establishing moment of  Juri's tendency to pass as an air-head. It continued to prove remarkably effective throughout the campaign though it started here with her acting as a distraction for bandmates to sneak through the airport they were at by acting the stupid tourist.
    • Short-Term
      •  Finding the path to the Sumiyoshi of Setting Out by asking the kami of a famous costume piece displayed in the Sydney Opera House.
      • Using Rumor Mill to spread out where we were and draw in potential consultants to ask questions and potential enemies to draw into ambush.
        • The use in question was to spread rumors about fictionalizing something so the experts would come to make sure it is done right while enemies would realize "oh! they're looking for that!?"
      •  Spiders erupting from her hair and clothes to startle and spook people around and provide a momentary opportunity for people to get out of the area in the confusion.
  •  Evading the Bounty Hunters
    • Long-Term
      • Cast a spell with her spiders' help
        • Around this time, Juri started involving her spiders in the wonders she worked with her drawing board. Among other things, the spiders would use their webs to duplicate designs she drew on her lapboard in real space and she would tie her spells into these webs. She also used a variant of the 1e Evil Eye spell that was cast by having her spiders bite the target. This way instead of dropping one big curse on one target, she could spread the curse out to several opponents.
    • Short-Term
      • Help steal an opponent's relic and convince it's kami to hold off returning to its owner and give her a band a head start.
      • Creating the spy trap, a marvel that causes anybody trying to spy on her to be drawn into a mental web and grow increasingly obsessed watching the affected target to the neglect of others.
      • Making the Fire Rat Kimono hers In 1e she was just granted the relic, in 2e, this she would have spent experience to make it permanently part of her panoply.
  •  Defeating the cannibal spider.
    • Long Term
      • The Bowling Ball of Doom. So, while the rest of the band was fighting the cannibal tsuchigumo, Juri pushed into the building trying to find a way to "free" all the people the enemy was puppeting.She found the room where all the associated fate threads led and found relic protected behind dozens and dozens of tripwires. So, she took a bowling ball she'd found and rolled it through the room...causing several explosions...knocking over the relic which got caught in another explosion, which blew out the floor, and dumped the whole thing on top of the villain and distracting her during her fight with the rest of the band. Unfortunately, while it removed the spell over them, this revealed that they were all dead already...for a long time. Everyone was sad.
    • Short Term
      • Reuniting with her spider friends after they gave her a heart-attack by wandering off and not even sending her a message about where they were and what they were doing.
      • Identifying a "fake" relic that had achieved some power by being associated with the real thing in a museum.
      • Rallying all the spiders in a Japanese town to over-night spread a massive web in order to catch a sneak-thief sparrow spirit that was giving us trouble. 

 Now, for Group Story completion and story milestones. These are different from deeds but can overlap with them. Deeds have continuing impact on the narrative to a degree while story milestones and group story completion are mostly just for XP purposes. However, in this case, I associated a lot of the Band Deeds also with the ends of stories, so there's some overlap here. Milestones are a bit harder since they are steps leading toward the completion of the story, but I can come up with a few.

  • Story Completion - Impressing Kaguya-Hime 
    • Milestone - Purifying the Austrian cave
    • Milestone - Recovering the Red Stone of Aja
    • Milestone - Archery Contest
  •  Story Completion - Escaping the Bounty Hunters
    • Milestone - Meeting with Patrons/Parents
    • Milestone - Escaping Sydney
    • Milestone - Breaking the Island of Anonymity
  • Story Completion - The Cannibal Spider
    • Milestone - Getting past the sparrow thief
    • Milestone - Meeting the island residents
    • Milestone - Uncovering the hidden threads

There are some elements of gaining experience that I'm going to guess at because they are way too hard to figure out exact moments looking back. Those are: "everyone in the band completes a short-term deed" and "spend half the momentum pool in a single scene". It is likely that our group hit that several times however, so I'm just going to give another 4 xp per story arc to account for it.

Edit: I forgot to account for the 1 experience per session. So I'm going to assume about 6 sessions per story, so 18 sessions all told.

So, to total it all up, we have:

  • 9 Short term deeds (9 xp)
  • 3 Long term deeds (6 xp)
  • 3 Band deeds (does not affect XP but is needed for raising Legend)
  • 9 Milestone completions (9 xp)
  • 3 Story completions (9 xp)
  • 12 xp for Momentum/Group short-terms.
  • EDIT: 18 xp for sessions.

That is a total of  45 XP and +3 Legend. (EDIT: actually 63 xp)

So, XP spends per story:

  • Impressing Kaguya-Hime
    • Increase Empathy to 4 (5)
    • New Knack - Lover's Intuition (5)
    • Legend 2 increases
      • Calling Lover 2
      • New Title - Venom of Confusion
      • New Keyword - Friend
  • Escaping the Bounty Hunters
    • Improving the Spiders (5)
    • Accepting the Fire Rat Kimono - Relic 3 (15)
    • Legend 3 increases 
      • New Boon - Divination (was originally an Artistry version of Ephemera, but wanted Heartfelt Expression in there)
      • New Title - Friend of Spiders
      • Omen - Manga-style effects (Speed-lines, bishi sparkles, et al, all seeming hand-drawn in the air)
  • The Cannibal Spider
    • New Knack - Afternoon of Fortnights (5)
    • New Knack - We Go All Night (5)
    • New Knack - Wasn't Me (5)
    • Legend 4 increases
      • New Boon - The Watchful Spirit
      • Calling Creator 3
      • New Title - Weaver of Threads
      • New Keyword - Tales
  • Edit: Missing XP
    • Cunning +1
    • Athletics +1
    • 3 xp leftover
And so we come to the end result of her career as a Hero.
Concept: Spider-Friend Mangaka

Origin Path: Sheltered by Spiders
Path Skills: Culture, Occult, Leadership
Role Path: Beloved Webcomic Artist
Path Skills: Culture, Empathy, Persuasion

Pantheon Path: Cunning and Kawaii Daughter of Fortune
Path Skills: Culture, Persuasion, Integrity

Athletic 1 
Culture 5 (Manga)
Empathy 4 (Judging Expectations)
Integrity 3 (Ever-Smiling)
Leadership 2
Occult 2
Persuasion 4 (Cuteness)
Subterfuge 4 (Obfuscating Stupidity)

  • Intellect ***
  • Might *
  • Presence ****
Finesse (Favored)
  • Cunning ****
  • Dexterity ***
  • Manipulation ****
  • Resolve ***
  • Stamina ***
  • Composure ****

Legend: 4

Virtues: Sincerity, Right Action


  • Creator ***
    • Flawless Platonic Ideal
    • Perfect Rendition 
    • We Go All Night
    • An Afternoon of Fortnights
    • Keywords: Mangaka, Weaver, Tales
  • Lover **
    • Not a Fighter
    • Lover's Intuition
    • Keywords: Kawaii, Friend
  • Trickster **
    • Blather and Skite
    • Rumor Miller 
    • Wasn't Me
    • Keywords: Deflection, Confusion


  • The Great Mangaka 
  • Venom of Confusion
  • Friend of Spiders 
  • Weaver of Threads

The Mangaka's Lapboard ***

  • Motif: "Reality in the artist's hands"
  • Purview: Fortune
  • Enhancement +2 to drawing manga

The Laminated Spider Convention Pass ***

  • Motif: "Spider-Friend"
  • Purview: Beasts (Spider)
  • Custom Knack - Conversation Piece
    • The spider laminated into the convention pass from 20 years ago catches the eye and allows Juri to treat negative attitudes as 2 points less for the purpose of initiating conversation with a person she has met the first time. Once the conversation has moved on to other topics, however, this benefit ends.

Fire-Rat Kimono ***

  • Motif: "Burn away impurities." 
  • Purview: Fire
  • Enhancement +2 bonus to matters regarding beauty.
  • Flaw (0 point), must spend an hour daily within a fire to maintain the enhancement.

Spider-Friends ****

  • 6 dice - (Scouting, Spooking, Web-Spinning) 
  • Quality - Swarm, Wall-Walker
  • Flairs - Curse

Cult: Storm-Watchers (fans of Combat Hurricane) ** 

  • Community
  • Light: **
  • Shadow: *
  • Tags: Social Club
  • Connections: Contacts (2 Light), Access (1 Shadow)


  • Artistry (Manga) - Innate
  • Beasts (Spiders)
  • Fire
  • Fortune
  • Yaoyoro-no-Kamigami


  • Burn away impurities (Fire Rat Kimono)
  • Spider-Friend (Convention Pass)
  • Reality in the artist's hands (Lapboard)
  • The kami are in all things, and can be bidden to work wonders. (Pantheon)
Boons: Leader of the Pack, Heartfelt Expression, Divination, The Watchful Spirit


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